610 Office Bans Missing-Persons Ads to Cover Up the Rape Case in Hebei Province

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Certain "610 Offices1" in Hebei Province recently ordered local news agencies to prohibit the publication or broadcast of missing-persons ads looking for Ms. Han Yuzhi and Ms. Liu Jizhi. People find it strange and wonder why someone would want to ban small ads. As a result, more people are paying attention to the truth of the matter.

Practitioners wrote the following letter to the media in Tangshan City to expose the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong and to make people aware of the wonders of Falun Gong.

What Does Banning the Broadcast of Missing-Persons Advertisement Reveal?

--- The Crime It Tries to Conceal

Respected Friends in Media Circles:

Recently you may have received orders from the Tangshan City 610 Office to strictly prohibit broadcasting a news bulletin searching for two women.

Who are those two women? Why does the 610 Office place so much emphasis on this without giving any reason? Don't you think this is strange?

Evildoers fear exposure the most. What is hidden behind this ban is a horrific crime that has shocked the world - a policeman in Zhuozhou City raped two upright women! Let's take a look at the inside story:

Ms. Liu Jizhi, one of the victims, reveals the details of her experience in tears:

"My name is Liu Jizhi. I am fifty-one years old and live in Xituan Village, Dongchengfang Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. I used to have low blood pressure, arrhythmia and leg pain. My biggest problem was a herniated disk in my lower back, preventing me from getting out of bed. My illnesses made me to have a bad temper. I started cultivating Falun Dafa in February 1999. After only one month of practising Falun Dafa, I could work in the fields and do my household chores. My family became peaceful. My children all said, "Mum, your temper has changed!" Falun Dafa changed my life and brought happiness to my family.
But several months later, the unscrupulous Chinese Communist Party (CCP)started the persecution of Falun Dafa. Local officials from the Communist Regime and from the police station regularly harassed us. Our family's peaceful life disappeared.

On November 24th, 2005, around 8:00 p.m. a group of 610 Office personnel and local policemen suddenly climbed over our stone fence and stormed into my house. They said I practise Falun Gong at home and arrested me.

In the morning of November 25th, 2005, policeman He Xuejian escorted me to his dorm room. His colleague policeman Wang Zengjun was in his bed; 610 Office agent Wang Huiqi was standing in the room. He Xuejian beat me with a rubber baton several times; he then pinched my breasts. He lifted up my shirt and said, "The flesh is very tender." He used an electric baton, shocked my nipples and said, "This is fun! Her nipples sparked!" Then he pushed me onto his bed and started to strip off my pants. 610 Office agent Wang Huiqi was standing in the room the entire time. He left the room when he saw He Xuejian had started taking my trousers off. I said, "For your own good, do not do such a bad deed! Do not commit a crime that heaven will not forgive! You are a young man. I beg you to leave me, an old woman, alone."

He refused to listen to my plea and raped me. Afterwards He Xuejian shamelessly shouted like an animal, "Old woman, open your eyes, look at me!" He also slapped me one more time. His roommate policeman Wang Zengjun was lying in the bed the entire time. He turned his head to look at what was happening and didn't utter a word or attempt to stop him. When it was over I cried and left the room. He Xuejian called in Ms. Han Yuzhi, a female practitioner in her 40s who was also detained there and raped her, too.

On November 26th, my father-in-law borrowed three thousand yuan2 (He initially borrowed one thousand yuan, but the police said it was not enough. He then borrowed another two thousand yuan), and bailed me out from the police station. My two daughters are both in school and need a lot of money. The harvest was not good. This three thousand yuan is a heavy burden on our family. ..."

Ms. Liu Jizhi and Ms. Han Yuzhi are missing at present and nobody knows their whereabouts. Their husbands are in grief and indignation and miss their wives very much. Nevertheless, the 610 Office prohibits publication of the missing-persons report to cover up their crime.

We believe all kind-hearted people will be enraged after reading the above. Under bright daylight and with people present both inside and outside the room, the policeman committed such an atrocity twice, an atrocity below even an animal. He did this against two women the age of his own mother, in his own town.

Are He Xuejian and his kind born to be animals?

Is He Xuejian born to be heartless and wicked? Certainly not! To have lost his human nature to this extent he must also pass through a process, from human to animal. This is also the process that Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party went through to persecute Falun Gong for more than six years, trample human rights, encourage to commit and harbour crimes, from top to bottom.

Let us hope that Han Yuzhi and Liu Jizhi will soon be able to reunite with their families and wish that all Falun Gong practitioners and all the kind-hearted people will be able to live in a country where there is no more brutal dictatorship, but freedom of belief and freedom of keeping healthy, where people can breathe air filled with humanity, truthfulness and kindness.


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

2. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/12/31/117670.html

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