Painting Exhibition in the City of Prague
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Practitioners demonstrate and explain the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises |
People listen to a report on the Jiang regimes four years of persecution against Falun Dafa |
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Spectators enjoy watching the artist in action |
Related report:
Zhang Cuiyings Exhibition for VIPs
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VIPs exhibition in the Congress Hall of Hotel Prague |
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Czech practitioner welcomes VIPs to the exhibition | Zhang Cuiying tells VIPs about the persecution of Falun Dafa |
Related report:
A Painting for the Czech Prime Minister. The Chinese poem reads:
Spring flower opens, Good things are coming. Hoping that Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance of Falun Dafa Bring the Prime Minister and the Czech people a wonderful future. |

Picture from the Palace of the Czech Parliament. (From the left: Member of the Czech Parliament, the Minister of Culture holding the painting Harmony presented to him by Zhang Cuiying and a Czech practitioner.)
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