The Crimes of Jiamusi City Policeman Chen Wanyou

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Policeman Chen Wanyou is the instructor of the Political and Security Team of Jiamusi City's Police Department and also a member of the evil "610 Office." Since April 25, 1999, he has been participating, scheming, and commanding the persecution against Falun Dafa and practitioners and has committed unforgivable crimes. With the excuse of carrying out orders of his superiors, he cheated family members of the practitioners. According to inside news, the huge amount of money he extorted has far exceeded tens of thousands of Yuan, and he has also instigated other policemen to injure many practitioners. Chen Wanyou refused to release practitioners, even when the detention center gave a release notice because the practitioners' lives were in danger, he still wouldn't release a single practitioner unless he received money. If the practitioners' families had no money, they had to borrow it. He participated in every single persecution case and would never give up if he hadn't received any profit. He even pretended to be a nice person. This person has an outward hypocritically kind face, but a cruel heart.

Office telephone number of Chen Wanyou: 011-86-454-8223094, mobile phone number: 011-86-13945450701.


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