Ms. Su Guifang's Miserable Experience in Laixi City Brainwashing Centre

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Practitioner Su Guifang, 41 years old, was illegally detained by the Xiagezhuang Police Station, and suffered financial penalties and confiscation of personal belongings many times since July 20 1999, because of her peaceful appeals for Falun Gong. On May 26, 2003, the Xiagezhuang Township government and the police station took her away from her home and attempted to force her into writing a "giving up Falun Gong" statement. Because she firmly refused to cooperate with them, they sent her to the Laixi Brainwashing Centre. There, she was monitored 24 hours a day. She went on a hunger strike to protest their persecution of her. As a result, the officers in the centre cuffed her hands to bed frames or the iron bars on the windows and forced her to sit on the ground. Some collabourators [former Falun Dafa practitioner who has given up his practise under severe pressure and torture and now assists the authorities in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners] also tried to force her into writing three types of "giving up the practise of Falun Gong" statements. When Su firmly refused their orders, they started beating and cursing her. After she had been on a hunger strike for 20 days protesting their barbarous tortures, her health had severely declined. They did not want to release her but did so after they obtained news that her father passed away. Even now the Brainwashing Centre still does not want to return her personal articles for daily use and other personal belongings.

Collabourators: Zhan Shuxin, Li Aiqing, and Wang Xiaohui

Persons who beat up and curse practitioners: Wang Kun, Wan Wei, Yu Qing, and Wang Xiaohua

Chinese version available at

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