Female Practitioner Dies When Cancer Recurs after Being Detained and Denied the Right to Practise Falun Gong

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Ms. Yan Suyun, in her 40's, was a Falun Gong practitioner who lived in Wenling city, Zhejiang province. She was afflicted with a malignant tumour (cancer). However her life threatening illness disappeared after she began practising Falun Gong in 1998.

The doctors at the Hangzhou major hospitals had previously diagnosed her with cancer and determined that there was no cure. She was sent home from the hospital. After that she began practising Falun Gong, and soon her cancer began to go into remission and she recovered completely. All her neighbours knew about this miracle.

After the persecution of Falun Gong began, Ms. Yan Suyun publicly let people know about her miraculous healing. She was arrested and detained at a detention centre in Wenling city. Police there strictly prohibited her from practising Falun Gong and eventually her cancer symptoms returned. Although her physical condition continued to worsen, the authorities continued to detain her. She was held in the detention centre for several more months without receiving any medical care. Finally, in the last stages of terminal cancer, she was sent to a hospital. However, it was too late, and Ms. Yan Suyun died as a result of the police cruel actions.

All her neighbours knew that Falun Gong had saved her life, and that the police preventing her from practising Falun Gong caused her death.

The people directly involved and responsible for Ms. Yan Suyun's death:

Dai Meizhong and Zhao Xiasheng, leaders of Xinhe township Political Law Commission in Wenling city

Zhang Jiyu, former police chief in Xinhe township

Wu Caiqing, vice police chief in Xinhe township

Sun Jianhua, vice director of Chengxi Street Police Post in Wenling city.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2004/3/22/70621.html

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