The news that Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities had disfigured and killed Gao Rongrong has shocked the world. On the evening of June 21, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne, Australia gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to hold a candlelight vigil in Honor of Gao Rongrong, to strongly condemn the CCP's brutality and atrocities, and to demand punishment for Gao Rongrong's murderers, Tang Yubao and Jiang Zhaohua.
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Protesting the CCP's murder of Gao Rongrong in front of the Chinese Consulate in Melbourne |
Ms. Gao Rongrong, an accountant at the Luxun Fine Arts College in Shenyang City, was abducted from her home by local police on June 22, 2003, and taken to Longshan Forced Labour Camp. On June 16, 2005, Gao died in the emergency room of China Medical University Hospital of complications stemming from torture and abuse in custody following nearly two years of incarceration, brainwashing, and torture for her beliefs. During the illegal incarceration and forced labour, she lost hearing in one ear, her face was disfigured from seven hours of electric baton shock torture, her bodily organs were atrophying, and she was left as only skin and bones. Her life was in grave danger. After she was successfully rescued by Falun Gong practitioners in October, 2004, and her disfigured face was publicised to expose the brutal persecution, the Public Security Department labelled Ms. Gao's escape the "Number 26 Case." At this point, 610 Office system head Luo Gan personally took charge of the continued persecution plan. Instructed by Luo Gan, the Liaoning Province CCP Political Judiciary Committee, the Procuratorate, the Department of Justice, and the Police Department collectively concealed information about Ms. Gao Rongrong's case. Those practitioners thought to have been involved in Ms. Gao's rescue were rounded up and cruelly tortured. One person in the judiciary system said, "Luo Gan gave the order. He said that this matter (Ms. Gao's cruel torture case being exposed) had too much international impact, and that it must handled carefully now (indicating that further persecution would be carried out secretly)." Ever since then, the Shenyang City Police Department, State Security Division has been using all their resources in tapping into phone lines, and monitoring, detecting, and following local Falun Dafa practitioners. Gao Rongrong was unfortunately rearrested in March 2005, and detained until she died as a result of further persecution.
Gao Rongrong was the 54th Falun Gong practitioner in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province to die as a result of the persecution. Her killing reveals the CCP's bloodthirsty nature. The CCP will not even allow such a fragile woman, who had been severely disfigured, and almost paralysed, to live, because she believed in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
A woman at the vigil expressed that three former officers of the CCP who recently defected to Australia all witnessed or experienced the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Now they no longer want to continue being accomplices of the CCP, as it went against their consciences. They exposed the brutality and despicable nature of the persecution. Australia is a pure, simple and kind nation, and this woman believes that after learning about the truth, more and more kind and righteous people will step forward. Their voices calling for an end to the persecution will terrify the evil, and will accelerate the collapse of the CCP, which persecutes good people. Kind Chinese people need righteous support from the world's people.
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang said that the persecution of Falun Gong is the most brutal and evil in history. The methods they use are insidious and vicious, but they have gone all out to conceal them from the public, so people are unable to learn about the truth and therefore unable to support Dafa practitioners. The crimes thus continue like this. One of Mr. Wang's friends lives near Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, but he never realised that such inhuman and tragic incidents take place there every day. To stop the persecution, we should first expose the evil. The evil is fearful of its persecution being exposed, because what that they do is extremely wicked and shameful.
A spokesperson for the Falun Dafa Association in Melbourne said that Australia has been able to see more and more clearly the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. On June 20, the Australian Senate passed a motion initiated by the Democratic Party calling for the Australian government to investigate the CCP's spy network, and to protect Falun Gong practitioners from harassment and intimidation by the CCP in Australia. The motion was initiated by Senator Natasha Stott Despoja, representing the Democratic Party, and backed up by the largest opposition party - the Labour Party.
Despoja said at a rally, "As a government, when an incident of human rights abuse occurs, we should bring it up so as to ensure that they stop their act of human rights abuse. We cannot place trade interests above human rights and people's dignity... I initiated today's motion representing the Democratic Party, the purpose is to see clearly the situation of the CCP's human rights abuses, especially its violation of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights."
Mr. Fan, from the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), said that the CCP has never stopped its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners during the past six years. As of today, 2591 Falun Gong practitioners are verified through civil channels to have died resulting from the persecution. Even more torture death cases have been covered up by the CCP authorities. The mission of the WOIPFG is to expose the inhuman crimes to the public, let the perpetrators be put on trial in the court of conscience and law, and restore and uphold justice in society. At the same time, to safeguard justice and conscience, and cherish human beings' precious lives, we call upon all kind people to join together to stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
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