Voices from People All Around the World Condemning the Persecution of Falun Gong

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The torture and disfigurement of Ms. Gao Rongrong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has drawn the attention of kind-hearted people all around the world. The Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group has received a large amount of signatures through its website, in support of Falun Gong. Many who signed their names condemned the atrocities conducted by the CCP. (For further information, please visit: http://falunhr.org/te/index.php?signature=1〈=en) In order to let more people hear these voices from throughout the world, we have selected some of their comments and reprinted them here:

P. D. from: United States, Signed at: 2005-07-12 01:31

Where is the accountability for these crimes against humanity? How much longer must a people endure the atrocities they are exposed to? When one is victimised we are all guilty and should be held accountable for the actions of these inflicting such pain and suffering on innocent people.


J. B. From: A, Signed at: 2005-07-11 17:00

Nothing can ever justify such cruelty. Movements such as Falun Gong ....represent the noblest human aspirations for peace and harmony, .... To fight them is like a blind man hurling bricks at the calm, broad, beautiful sea. To be so cruel in that fight is shocking.


S. W. From: United States of America, Signed at: 2005-07-11 17:00

This horrific terrorist-type torturing of innocent people is not only terribly inhumane, but utterly senseless. What is the Chinese government trying to hide? What are they afraid of? And my biggest question is why hasn't this hit the media big time? The American people need to be informed. The world should be outraged!


J. L. From: Limerick, Ireland, Signed at: 2005-07-11 12:25

Torture is wrong in all cases, regardless of who is inflicting it, what their motives are, or what the victim has done. I support the Falun Gong campaign for freedom and justice in the PRC.


L. B. From: U.K., Signed at: 2005-07-11 09:48

.... However, torture is certainly not one of them (virtuous things). Where is the logic in trying to subdue others by force? If someone tried to force YOU to comply, would you do so? Rather than comply, I think most humans would resist more strongly, more cunningly, until their very last breath left them....

Sooner or later, we must all wake up and realise that the only way to achieve harmony between humans is through respect, understanding, and dialogue. Please bypass the unproductive step of torture, and go straight to solving the problems you see in a humane way that will actually work.

Thank you for reading.


E. R. From: Australia, Signed at: 2005-07-11 03:47

Please stop this senseless torture!


M. B. From: Australia, Signed at: 2005-07-09 03:37

I thought Marxism was ultimately about caring for one another as human beings. China is very insecure if they feel their state will fall apart if people are allowed to have their own personal values. This sort of persecution is abhorrent.


M. S. From: U.S.A., Signed at: 2005-07-08 16:49

This is a real crime against humanity...Stop killing your brothers and sisters!


H. R. From: United States, Signed at: 2005-07-08 01:48

Only a fearful government persecutes its own citizens. Fearfulness is weakness. Show strength with tolerance and courage, and the world will respect those that make good allies. China is not the only country in need of these lessons, but such arrogant displays of such cruelty and unhidden bias, will make China a focus of our outrage against these crimes against humanity.


R. C. From: Canada, Signed at: 2005-07-06 22:33

Civil society is essential to democracy. Your movement is evidence of social cohesion separate from the state. You mean no harm and cause none. The state resists this innocent but formidable challenge to its totalitarian omnipotence. In the end the state will fail.


A. G. From: Australia, Signed at: 2005-07-06 03:03

The torture has to stop! It's hard to believe that crimes like these take place in the 21st century. Shame on the Chinese government. How could a country like China win the Olympic Games?


J. W. From: Australia, Signed at: 2005-07-05 23:05

In respect for the human rights of people, and in hope for freedom of beliefs and peaceful action.


M. S. From: Canada, Signed at: 2005-07-05 02:34

Praying for strength for the righteous.


R. B. From: Canada, Signed at: 2005-07-04 16:20

This conduct is completely unacceptable and I want those responsible to know that the world is watching!


J. From: Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, Signed at: 2005-07-04 14:35

My heart breaks for all the victims out there. The Canadian government needs to take action with this monstrosity.


L. L. From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Signed at: 2005-07-04 13:56

I am absolutely disgusted by the violence towards Falun Gong practitioners. I was going to visit China but this has made me change my mind. I don't want to spend my money visiting a country like that.


A University From: CANADA, Signed at: 2005-07-01 12:31

Examine your conscience. STOP the torture. Have DIGNITY. The WORLD IS WATCHING.


A. J. From: India, Signed at: 2005-07-01 00:18

What has been perpetrated upon Ms Gao Rongrong is terrible and is both morally and legally reprehensible. There can be no justification for this and I support the pressure that the Falun Gong is bringing to bear on the Chinese authorities through world awareness. Have you thought of greater media exposure?


L. R. From: Australia, Brisbane, Signed at: 2005-06-30 18:49

The photos of victims are shocking and it is so hard to believe that this is happening in today's world without something actively being done by world governments. Falun Gong is spiritual and peaceful.


T. C. From: United States, Signed at: 2005-06-30 14:29

I would think that in today's time it is a shame that we have incidents that rape people of their human rights. My hearts go out to everyone who has fell victim to the persecution of the Chinese communist.


H. J. From: U.S, Signed at: 2005-06-30 13:05

I can't believe this is still undercover. I think perhaps posting pictures around the university or public building would help to reach others.....


G. C. From: USA, Signed at: 2005-06-30 09:52

The pictures of the persecution faced by Falun gong practitioners show very clearly the evil nature of the CCP. This persecution must end! The world's people must wake up and bring the CCP to justice for these atrocities.


E. From: Singapore, Signed at: 2005-06-30 09:22

Please help stop the persecution immediately! Stop the cruelty! Stop the inhumane acts!


N. L. From: Belgium, Signed at: 2005-06-30 04:46

There are no words for this kind of barbarity, whatever the reason.


F. From: Australia, Signed at: 2005-06-30 01:41

I am signing this petition in support of the eradication of crimes against Falun Gong practitioners around the world.


K. J. Signed at: 2005-06-28 10:02

I just want to thank my good friend Mitchy for bringing this information to me. We hear so much of the atrocities of Darfur and other places in Africa through Amnesty, but the persecution of those practicing Falun Gong I had never heard of. My friend and I are going to work to bring light to this, and hopefully bring about change, letting those that were like me know that these things are happening in places outside of Africa and the Middle East.


B. P. From: Schweden, Signed at: 2005-06-26 12:55

I believe China has signed the UN declaration of human rights. Not the whole concept but most of it. In that respect it does not make sense to persecute Falun Gong-people. But CCP is far from respectable. In the year of 2005 they have gone too far. Goodbye CCP - for ever.


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