Couple from Hebei Province Are Sill Being Persecuted

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Dafa practitioner couple Ren Haiquan and Zhang Jinying reside in Houshan Village of Baituyao Town in Guyuan County, Hebei Province. Since they started practising Falun Gong, their health has improved, their morals raised, and they led a happy and harmonious life.

However, on July 20th, 1999, Jiang's regime started the frenzied suppression of Falun Gong. Ren Haiquan went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested and sent back to Guyuan County Police Station. After detaining him for several days, the police extorted 300 yuan1 from him. Thereafter, this was used as an excuse by officials in the village, town, county, and city to further persecute him.

In October 2000, the head of Baituyao Town, Feng Baogui, led a number of people and broke into Mr. Ren's home. They illegally searched and ransacked his home, damaged the furniture, tore open the ceiling, and rummaged through chests and cupboards searching for Falun Gong materials. They also threw the picture of Falun Gong founder on the ground, and jumped on it, while cursing, insulting and slandering Dafa. Led by Feng Baogui, they, including his driver then brutally beat Ren Haiquan. They also forced Mr. Ren to put up posters at home that defamed Dafa, and forced him to pay 300 yuan for the slanderous posters.

In October 2000, the Ren couple was arrested by the local 610 Office without cause and then persecuted in a brainwashing centre for 12 days. Because of their firm belief, they were verbally and physically abused by the brainwashing centre's wicked Zhang Zhanbing, and extorted of 100 yuan.

In 2001, Mr. Ren went to give the wife of Jiao Lanbing leaflets exposing the persecution. Jiao Lanbing reported this to the village official, and the village official then reported it to the township officials. Meng Xiangui and others from the county Police Station arrested Mr. Ren, detained him for 14 days, and extorted 250 yuan from him.

On the evening of February 22nd, 2000, township leader Feng Baogui and others once again arrested the couple without cause and detained them for 15 days. During this period, Feng Baogui, village Party Secretary Lu Yubao, village accountant Ji Zonghai verbally abused him. For not giving up the belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance," the couple was sent to Zhangjiakou Brainwashing Centre and persecuted there for more than 5 months. Around August 2004, village Party Secretary Lu Yubao paid several people to monitor the couple. During the period when the couple was being monitored, these people, as well as the village director Yang Maoqing and village accountant Ji Zonghai constantly abused and harassed them. They totally lost their freedom and right to privacy. Furthermore, the monitoring expenses were passed onto the village residents so as to incite their hatred towards Dafa and Dafa practitioners.

On November 1st, 2004, the Ren couple was once again arrested from home without cause, and detained in the Houshan Village school. On November 3rd, they were sent to Xiyangtai Village Brainwashing Centre for further persecution and have not been released as of today. Village Party Secretary Lu Yubao asked his two relatives to go and monitor them, and paid them 20 Yuan per person per day. This expense was shouldered by the village residents. Because of the extended period of time and the large sums of money involved, it resulted in a sizable burden for the local residents. In this way, hatred was stirred up among local residents towards Dafa and Dafa practitioners.

The Ren couple has a 6 year-old child, who could only be taken care of by the elderly grandparents. Their land has also to be cultivated by the elderly grandparents, who are having a very difficult time. Still, the local village and township officials try all sorts of ways to be difficult and mistreat them.For example, they have yet to give them the 4000 kilogrammes of wheat, a reimbursement from the government.


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

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