Ms. Zhong Qingling from Chongqing City Died from Long Term Persecution

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Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhong Qingling from Dadukou District, Chongqing City obtained a second chance in her life after practising Falun Dafa. She died in May 2005 due to being persecuted during the past six years.

Ms. Zhong was sick with late stage breast cancer in 1996, and the doctors in Chongqing Medical University Hospital said there was nothing they could do. She heard of the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa when she was waiting at home to die, so she started cultivating. After one year, at a medical exam in Chongqing Medical University Hospital, the doctors could not find any cancer cells. Her recovery was such a miracle to the doctors, and she saved a huge amount of medical costs for her employer. She previously needed people take care of her, but by then she was taking care of her family instead and went to work in Mawang Township Elementary School located in Jiulongpo District.

After July 20th, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party initiated the persecution of Falun Dafa, police from Xinshan Village Station ransacked her home multiple times, threatened her, and tried to force her to give up cultivating. She was arrested on the night of May 28th, 2003. Her husband divorced her due to much harassment from the police, and her employer fired her under pressure from the police, at a time when her son really needed her financial support for college.

Under the long-term persecution, her old sickness reoccurred, and she died in May 2005.

Chinese version available at

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