Chinese People's Admiration for Practitioners' Determination

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Chinese People's Admiration for Practitioners' Determination to Practice Falun Gong

By Shu Guang, a Dafa Practitioner

When talking to friends about Falun Gong, many would say that the world is already chaotic, and people should learn to protect themselves. How could you not "bow your head down under the roof of others?" Even if you did something against your conscience, it is not your fault since there was no choice. There are many such arguments.
Once when I was talking to a couple, both Party Members, they both expressed this type of view. However, at the same time, they repeatedly emphasized that not being honest to oneself is very much against what they believe in, and one should not do it. This couple also commented that those Falun Gong practitioners who did not accept the brainwashing were truly great beings. They are trustworthy and command the people's respect and admiration.

A retired Party Branch Secretary said that he didn't feel the urge before, but now he really seems to want to read Zhuan Falun [the main book of Falun Gong]. Behind the people's words of "persuasion," we can see that they just do not want to see their friends or relatives getting hurt. However, deep down in their hearts, they admire the determined cultivators.

In reality, if everybody did not do things against their conscience, wouldn't society become a better place?


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