Methods Used to Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp - Part 2 (Re-Enactment Photos)

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Part 1:

Over the past few years the guards at Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp have been using extremely cruel types of torture to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. In addition to various torture methods they commonly use to torment inmates, they have invented new barbaric torture methods specifically targeting Falun Dafa practitioners. Demonstrated below are some more of these torture methods that they have used against the practitioners.

Torture Method No.5: Leg-tying and torture with electric shock batons

Figure 15 Figure 16
Figure 17 Figure 18
Figure 19 Figure 20

Figure 21 Figure 22

Figure 23

This is a torture method that the authorities at the Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp frequently use against Falun Dafa practitioners. First they stop a practitioner from having any sleep for a few days. Then they cuff the practitioner's hands behind the back and tie the practitioner's legs into the double-crossed posture with a rope. Then they step on the tied-up legs and knock the practitioner down so that his/her back is flat on the floor. A few guards then use the electric batons to shock the bottom of the practitioner's feet and the breastbone. Another two guards twist and beat the practitioner's head, and turn the practitioner's body upside down to make it easier for the other guards to shock the sensitive areas of the body with the electric batons. After being tortured by this method, a practitioner will not be able to walk for months.

Torture Method 6: Brutal beating

This is one of the common torture methods used at the Jinzhou Forced Labour Camp against newly arrested Falun Dafa practitioners. The following demonstrates exactly how the guards continuously beat into unconsciousness and severely injured three Falun Dafa practitioners at the Jinzhou Labour Camp.

Figure 24 Figure 25

Figure 26

Step 1: In a small room, one guard pulled the first practitioner's arms from both sides of a vertical bar of the iron bed so that the practitioner could not move. Then three other guards brutally beat the practitioner and cut the neck, the back, and the legs of the practitioner with wooden planks until he lost consciousness.

Figure 27 Figure 28

Figure 29

Step 2: Taking the second practitioner into the room, two guards started to beat the practitioner with wooden planks until the practitioner fell down. The practitioner's back and head were injured, but the guards kept up the beating until the practitioner lost consciousness.

Figure 30 Figure 31

Step 3: Taking another practitioner in, one guard seized him by the throat so that the other two could beat his back and legs with big wooden planks until he too lost consciousness. Finally the four guards stepped on the heads, feet, and hands of the three practitioners until they were confident that all three practitioners lost consciousness. With their faces deformed after the brutal beatings, the practitioners had injuries all over their bodies and were not able to move.

(To be continued.)

Chinese version available at

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