From the Verge of Death I Regained My Life By Practising Falun Dafa

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In the spring of 2000, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had surgery at the Chengde Affiliated Hospital. After I went back home, I suffered all kinds of health problems. All the diseases had roots left inside my body. The pain and suffering was so intense that I found it really difficult to just carry out normal tasks, including working for a living.

In August of 2002, I started to learn Falun Gong from my father-in-law. However, I was cultivating without abandoning my attachments, so my health was declining daily. In 2005, I could not bear it any longer so I went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctors told me that my bones had excessively deteriorated. We planned to go to Chengde for further examination and treatment.

At that time, my father-in-law said, "It's no use going there. It's only a waste of money. You better stay home and calmly study the Falun Gong teachings." I was also thinking about this. At that time I began to sincerely study the Falun Gong teachings. Meanwhile, my fellow practitioners helped me to send forth righteous thoughts and helped me eliminate the evil factors in other dimensions.

At the time my whole body was swollen. I could not breathe and had a severe cough. I could not sit up and neither could I lie down. After three months, my face lost its normal colour. All the people around me, both those who did and didn't practise Falun Gong, thought that I was going to die! My mother began thinking about my funeral arrangements. My sisters came to visit me and they all cried. All my relatives came to visit me to say their final "goodbye."

At that time, I said, "You don't have to bring me anything. Please just help me to do work for Falun Dafa. If you help me distribute materials that expose the persecution, this will be of great benefit."

I also helped my father resign from the Chinese Communist Party and my child to resign from the Communist Pioneer League, and distributed many materials so as to give people a chance to learn the truth about the practice and the persecution. I knew that if I firmly believed in Falun Dafa and the founder of the practice Master Li, everything could be resolved. I asked Master to strengthen me.

Master indeed takes care of me! My health condition miraculously improved and now I can take care of myself!

My personal understanding is this: We must treat ourselves as cultivators at every moment and then we'll be able to righteously walk the path that Master arranged for us, crossing any hurdle and removing all our bad characteristics.

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