Practitioner Disabled From Torture at the Fushun Police Department Now at the Brink of Death

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In the afternoon on March 28th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Hongchang from Fushun City, was working in a building when officers from Fushun City Police Department and from Qingyuan County arrested and took him to the Tianqiao Police Department. In the evening, officers savagely tortured Mr. Sun and continued for three days. Many people living close to the police department heard his screams the whole time.

The guards forced Mr. Sun to spread his legs wide apart. They hammered bamboo sticks into his fingers and employed other methods they usually use to torture practitioners. When Mr. Sun was on the brink of death they sent him to the Dashagou Detention Centre in Qingyuan County. The detention centre authorities saw that he was disabled and could die at any time, so they refused to accept him. These Division 1 agents bribed the detention centre officials, treating them to restaurant meals, and also pressured them. The centre officials eventually accepted Mr. Sun.

On May 9th, officials from the Qingyuan Detention Centre phoned Sun Hongchang's family and told them to bring 1,000 yuan1 for his medical treatment. It was heard that the county hospital could not help him. The family learned that he was on the brink of death, so they went to the Tianqiao Police Department and asked for him. Wang Xingchuan, head of the National Security Division, not only refused to release Mr. Sun but also said that no one would be held responsible if a Falun Gong practitioner was beaten to death. He said, "It would be a lot better if we just beat Sun Hongchang to death."

After July 20th, 1999, Mr. Sun and his three family members left home to avoid persecution and lived in exile. His wife, Wang Xiuxia, 47 years old, was persecuted several times. On May 29th, 2003, officers from Division 1 and from the local police department arrested and tortured her. She died from torture 16 days later. Their younger son, Sun Feng, was only about eight years of age. He missed his mother and didn't have any money. He fell ill and died in 2005. Mr. Sun's older son is a university student.

Mr. Sun Hongfeng's life is now in danger.

Contact information:

Tianqiao Police Department
Qingyuan Town, Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, Zip code 113300

Dashagou Detention Centre

Qingyuan Town, Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, Zip code 113300

Fushun City Police Department, Division 1

Ran Xiangchun, head


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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