Twin Teenage Sisters Expelled from School and Persecuted for Seven Years

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The Yanji Evening News, which is a local newspaper in Yanji City, Jilin Province, printed an article in May or June 2000 about two young twin sisters giving up going to school because they practise Falun Gong. Many facts were distorted in the article. I personally know the two young sisters well, so I would like to expose the facts. At the same time, I want to expose the terrible crimes of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so that people will not be deceived. Only after the party collapses, will Chinese people lead good lives.

The elder sister's name is Liu Wenwen, and the younger sister's name is Liu Lulu. When they were ten years old, they started to practise Falun Dafa with their aunt, attempting to become good people who follow the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. After that, both of them required themselves to follow the moral principles set forth in Zhuan Falun [Zhuan Falun: This book comprises the principal teachings of Falun Dafa.]

After the persecution began July 20th, 1999, Wenwen and Lulu, who were only fourteen years old, went to Beijing to appeal to the Chinese government many times, hoping to appeal. Because of this, the two sisters were expelled from their school.

One day in May or June, 2000, a reporter went to the sisters' house. He took some pictures of the two sisters with the excuse of getting some information. He said he wanted to do a story about them. Several days later, an article was posted on Yanji Evening News and it said "the two sisters' parents divorced when they were small. Their parents did not treat them well and they were given to their aunt. Their aunt is not well-educated. She started to practise Falun Gong and soon the young sisters followed her". Basically the article said that the sisters wanted to practise Falun Gong all the time instead of going to school. The article distorted the facts and it slandered Falun Dafa. Soon after, the two sisters' father went to ask the newspaper about the article and said they did not report the facts. People who worked at the newspaper would not say anything.

In January, 2001, the two sisters were arrested after they appealed again in Beijing. Later they were sent back to their home city by the Xiaoying Police. The police guards detained the two sisters separately in two rooms. The guards asked the sisters, "Who gave you money to go to Beijing?" The sisters did not answer. The chief of the police station and some policemen asked them to kneel. They did not obey, so the chief and the policemen kicked them and started to beat them. Finally the two sisters were forced to admit that money was given by their mother. Their mother was also detained there later, for she was involved in this case. The police asked their mother "Was the money given by you?" Their mother did not answer. The chief and the deputy chief started to beat her brutally. Their mother said, "I will sue you". The chief answered in a ferocious voice "You won't win wherever you go". They continuously beat the sister's mother for an hour, pulling out much of her hair. It's still not grown back now. Her face was severely swollen. The Xiaoying Police also ransacked their house. At last, the two sisters and their mother were sent to a detention centre. They were detained for fifteen days. Without any official papers, they detained the two sisters for fifteen days more afterwards.

In March, 2001, police from Xiaoying Police Station deceived the two sisters and took them to a brainwashing centre which was built by the Yanji City Party School. Many other Falun Gong practitioners were also arrested. Because all of their family members came to ask for the detained practitioners, the 610 Office1 transferred them to another brainwashing centre in Shiyan. They refused to be "transformed2" during their detention in the brainwashing centre. Later they were sent to Yanji Detention Centre and were detained for an additional month. After that, they were picked up by Xiaoying Police and detained in the station for a week. Then, both of them were given a one-year-term in juvenile prison. Because there was not a camp for juvenile prisoners in Jilin Province at that time, they sent the two sisters to the 6th Division at the notorious Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province.

The 6th division is the most evil place. The sisters were often beaten because they refused to "transform" and read articles which slandered Dafa. Liu Wenwen was shaking badly from the beating. She suffered a dangerous heart attack and had to be sent to a hospital. Liu Lulu started a hunger strike to protest the torture and persecution. Policewoman Sun Mingyan shocked Lulu's head, face and some sensitive areas with electric batons. Both of the two teenagers suffered electric shocking, beatings, brainwashing, forced labour, standing for a long time and term extensions like the adults. Even after they were released, the "610 Office" and police station continuously harassed them.

At the end of October 2004, some people reported to the police about Wenwen clarifying the facts in a market. Wenwen was again arrested and taken to Yanji Detention Centre by the police from Sishi Police Station. After being detained for a month and a half, she was given a one-and-a-half-year term of forced labour. She was sent to the 7th Division of Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp. To "transform" her, guards in the camp started to "educate" her. She was not allowed to sleep for seven days and nights. She was carefully watched by some guards to make sure that she wouldn't close her eyes. Due to the cruel persecution, Wenwen compromised with them when her mind was not clear.

Once Hou Zhihong, head of 7th division went to talk with Wenwen and tried to force her to say something against Dafa. Wenwen did not obey, so Hou Zhihong started to beat her head and face. After that, she forced Wenwen to "stand like an airplane." Whenever Wenwen could not do it properly, Hou would beat her again. After suffering for several hours, Wenwen was shaking and sweating from head to feet. When Hou discovered that Wenwen could not support herself anymore, she finally let her stand up. Wenwen's facial nerves were damaged from the beating.

Several months later, Wenwen put a solemn statement on the internet, which stated that her compromise was no longer valid and that she would like to start to practise cultivation again. Policewoman Hao Jialin took her to an office and beat her brutally. Wenwen's heart was palpitating from the beatings and she squatted on her heels. Hao Jialin finally stopped when she saw Wenwen's face was pale and her body shaking. Wenwen suffered a heart attack and her heart rate slowed down because of the beatings. But Hao Jialin did not let her off. She always beat Wenwen with the pretext of "transforming" her. Wenwen asked her, "Why do you beat me?" Hao answered, "Who saw me beat you?" Wenwen said, "I won't be detained here for long. The first thing I will do after my release will be to bring you people to justice." Hao said in a sneering voice, "Shouldn't cultivators tolerate? You should give the right side of you face if others have beaten the left side. Are you not cultivating "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance?"

The persecution has lasted for seven years. During these seven years, the two young sisters could not stay in school where they should stay, but instead were frequently put in prisons.

I hope all people who understand the truth can help in stopping this evil persecution.


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

2. "Reform or Transform" Implementation of brainwashing and torture in order to force a practitioner to renounce Falun Gong. (Variations: "reform", "transform", "reformed", "reforming", "transformed", "transforming", and "transformation")

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