Ms. Liu Li from Shuanghe Town, Jilin Province Held for More Than 9 Months

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Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Li is 50 years old and lived in Changgangling Village, Shuanghe Town, Yongji County, Jilin Province. She started practising Dafa in July 1999 and experienced tremendous physical and mental improvements from the practice. Jiang Zemin launched a persecution against Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, and used the state media to slander Dafa. Based on her own experience, Liu Li explained the wonders of Dafa and the facts of the persecution to people.

Shuanghe Town Police Station deputy head Liu Jie, local police officer Sun Youfeng, and driver Yang suddenly broke into Ms. Liu's home at noon on February 28th, 2006, and ransacked it. They took a computer, a printer, cash, bank deposit slips, and ATM cards, among many other things. Shuanghe Town Police Station head Liu Junpeng beat Liu Li until her head bled and she lost consciousness. They took her to the Shuanghe Town Police Station and savagely beat her there before taking her overnight to Jilin City Detention Centre. Arrested practitioner Liu Ze was also in the same car with Liu Li. He was taken to the Yongji County Custody Centre. The detention centre authorities refused to accept Ms. Liu because of her numerous bodily and head injuries. The police took her back to the Shuanghe Town Police Station.

Liu Li was taken to Yongji County Hospital on March 1st, 2006, where she was subjected to a so-called physical examination, after which she was taken back to Jilin City Detention Centre. She refused to cooperate with the officials and went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. They brutally force-fed her. She has been held at Jilin City Detention Centre until this day.

The guards told her husband that they would release her if he paid them 20,000 yuan1, which he did. Nine months later, her ill husband is still waiting for his wife to come home.


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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