Prison Guard Gao Hu in Wumaping Prison (Sichuan Province) Uses "End-of-Year Review" as Excuse to Persecute Imprisoned Falun Gong Practitioners

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Gao Hu is a prison guard at the No. 4 Division of Wumaping Prison in Sichuan Province, in charge of persecuting the imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. Every year in January, he uses the "end-of-year review" and "quarterly review" to escalate his torture of practitioners.

Gao Hu exhausts all means to humiliate and torture practitioners. In January 2006, he used the "end-of-year review" and "quarterly review" to force practitioners to fill out the end-of-year review form and to memorize the prison rules. He was enraged when all the practitioners imprisoned in the No. 4 Division boycotted the review process. Gao repeatedly goaded prison inmates responsible for monitoring practitioners to use violence on practitioners. Later, Gao transferred practitioners one by one to the so-called Intensive Training Team where they suffered from escalated levels of torture and abuse. Practitioners Mr. Liu Lun, Mr. Zhao Benyong, Mr. Zhu Zhaojie and Mr. Yang Shunfa suffered the most severe tortures by the Intensive Training Team. The abuse included freezing practitioners by making them wear few clothes in January, physical abuses, threats, intimidation, and denying practitioners of sleep.

At first, Mr. Wang Haipo went on a hunger strike to protest the torture, but Gao Hu told a team leader to transfer Mr. Wang to the Intensive Training Team and to force him to memorize the prison rules. After Mr. Wang suffered a few days of hunger, Gao Hu told a prison inmate named Zhang Qing to beat Mr. Wang and force him to eat. Later, when the review that Mr. Wang wrote did not satisfy Gao Hu, Gao forced him to stand still for long hours in the cold in the middle of January. Wang Haipo was already very frail at the time. When prisoners started to beat him up, he passed out and collapsed on the ground. The prisoners then threatened another practitioner, who had witnessed the crime, not to say a word. That night Gao Hu told the prisoners to make the practitioner who witnessed the abuse to stay up standing long hours, facing the wall.

Under Gao Hu's "management," all the torturers go unpunished because Gao justifies the violence by labelling the tortured practitioners as "resistant to management and education." Those practitioners who bravely stood up to uphold justice have been condemned as "disruptive to order" and were punished.
Later, Gao Hu took the opportunity of the annual review to hold a meeting to criticize and denounce practitioners. Because Gao Hu was not able to have a lot of prisoners verbally attack practitioners, he selected a few prisoners who were "team leaders" to visit each group and attack practitioners in each group. Each time a practitioner was called out, these "team leaders" surrounded the practitioner and attacked him with vicious language and warped theories. During the meeting, prison guards Gao Hu and Yang Xilin kept monitoring the process. When some practitioners fearlessly explained the facts about Falun Gong and about the long litany of crimes committed by the wicked Chinese Communist Party, Gao Hu and Yang Xilin ran to them, shouting hysterically.

Chinese version available at

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