Practitioner Ma Jian Arrested and Tortured in Brainwashing Centre

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On February 28th, Police arrested Beijing Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Jian against his will. His whereabouts remained unknown until recently. The police sent him to a brainwashing centre and tortured him for 20 days. On March 19th, 2007, he was transferred to the Dongcheng District Detention Centre in Beijing. The officials in charge of this case are Zhang De (male) and Zhang Lei (female).

Mr. Ma Jian was the general manager in charge of Chinese and North Asian business for the PCM Company in France. On February 28th, 2007, about ten officials from the National Security Department and a local policeman went to his office in Beijing and arrested him by force. His whereabouts were unknown.

After Ma Jian was arrested by Beijing police, his family asked the police where he was, and an official in the Dongcheng Police Department of Beijing denied that they had taken him. Sometime later, however, the police department notified Ma Jian's in-laws to go to the Dongcheng District Police Department and sign the document of arrest. The date on the document for Ma Jian's arrest was several days later than the actual date, and Ma's parent-in-law refused to sign it.

The PCM Company in France wrote a letter to the Beijing Police Department through the French Embassy in Beijing and enquired why Ma Jian was arrested, but they did not receive any response. The company also tried to seek legal help for Ma Jian, but all the lawyers they contacted told them that lawyers in China are not allowed to be involved in any case related to Falun Gong.

Ms. Yao Lian, Ma Jian's wife who now lives in Canada, is calling on the international society to pay attention to this case. Falun Gong practitioners in France and Canada have started an effort to rescue Ma Jian.

Chinese version available at

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