Ms. Tian Tao, an Elementary School Teacher in Shanghai, Demoted to Cleaning Toilets

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Practitioner Ms. Tian Tao was a teacher at Hongqiao Central Elementary School in Shanghai. She has persevered in practising Falun Dafa and has upheld her belief in “Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.” As a result, Ni Yingdong, the school's Party secretary; Tang Xiao'an, the school principal; Gu Guifen, female, the former principal; He Peifang, a human resource official; and Wang Huimin, director of supplies, stripped her of her teaching position and assigned her to clean toilets.

In 2000, Ms. Tian went to Beijing to speak out on behalf of Falun Gong. She was unlawfully sentenced to one year of forced labour. She lost one year's salary and had to pay several thousand yuan1 to cover then-principal Gui Guifen's expenses to go to Beijing to take Ms. Tian back.

In 2005, Ms. Tian and her daughter, Tian Yewei, were taken into custody at the Minhang Detention Centre. After they were released one month later, Ni Yingdong, party secretary of the elementary school, and other school officials forced Ms. Tian and her daughter to go through three months of brainwashing. After Ms. Tian returned to the school, Ni Yingdong and Gu Guifen prohibited her from teaching. She was transferred to the supplies payroll with a significantly reduced salary and benefits. Her daughter was also dismissed from her job at the school. Ms. Tian was forced to clean the floors and walls of all the classrooms. Each day, Ms. Tian would come home exhausted.

When the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation was holding a summit meeting in June 2006, state security officers took Ms. Tian into custody at a detention centre for no reason. Ni Yingdong led them to unlawfully search Ms. Tian's home. Ms. Tian's mother-in-law was harassed and suffered minor thrombosis and ever since has had to take a lot of medicine.

In 2007, Wang Huimin, director of supplies at the school, laid off the contract labour custodians and forced Ms. Tian to clean the toilets. Ms. Tian can hardly keep up with this extra load of physical work. Wang Huimin keeps a close eye on her and finds fault with her for no reason.

Lin and Cai, members of the Minhang District “610 Office”: 86-21-24033192
Feng An (male), Minhang District state security officer: 86-21-64090816 (home), 86-21-29707795 (home)
Ni Yingdong (male), party secretary of the Hongqiao Central Elementary School: 86-13916148561 (mobile), 86-21-64063196 (home)
Tang Xiao'an (male), school principal: 86-13818230909 (mobile)
He Peifang (female), school human resource official: 86-13004189670 (mobile), 86-21-64012194 (home)
Wang Huimin (female): 86-13916143524 (mobile)


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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