Mr. Zhang Junan and His Wife, Cai Baoju, from Shenyang City Secretly Sentenced in Liaoning Province

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Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Zhang Junan and his wife, Ms. Cai Baoju, from Taoxian Village, Dongling District, Shenyang City, were arrested by Taoxian police officers on June 24th, 2007. It has been confirmed that they were secretly sentenced without their family being notified, they were not permitted a public trial with a defence lawyer, and they never admitted to any wrongdoing. Mr. Zhang Junan, who was born with polio, was sentenced to six months in prison and Ms. Cai Baoju to three and a half years.

After Mr. Zhang and Ms. Cai were arrested, kind neighbours helped them by looking after their house since no one was there. In early August 2007, on three different occasions, three or four people drove to Mr Zhang's house pretending to be buying a car in order to survey his house, and they picked melons and other fruit on his property.

On the evening of August 10th, 2007, the window was pried open and someone broke in. Neighbours reported it to the police, but the police replied that they would file a report only after confirmation was received that valuable things were stolen from the house. After an investigation, it was determined that nothing of value was taken but the house was left in a mess. The computer that the children used for their schoolwork was turned on. It is suspected that agents from the 610 Office1 broke into the house to search looking for evidence in order to sentence the practitioners.

The family does not accept the sentence and is preparing to issue an appeal.

Phone numbers of the organisations and people responsible:

The Dongling District Police Department of Shenyang City: 86-24-24824181
Taoxian Town Police Station: 86-24-23790182
Head of the police station Yang Zongjiang (male): 86-13840249333 (Mobile)
Deputy head Ning Junwei: 86-13840202323 (Mobile)
Dongling District Detention Centre: 86-24-23841512
Dongling District Court: 86-24-84826852


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

Chinese version available at

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