Comments Made by People in Yantai City, Shandong Province

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By a Reader in China

1. "The Articles Were Really Making Sense, and Beautifully Written."

One administrator in a district of Yantai City, Shandong Province had a table full of invited guests. People were chatting during dinner. One guest said, "There are often Falun Gong newsletters in front of my door. I read them all. Their articles were really making sense, and beautifully written."

Another guest said, "I have read many as well. They are ten-thousand times better than Jiang's propaganda. Jiang only knows the number three. Whenever you turn on the TV, it's either 'Three Calls,' or 'Three Represents,' it's so annoying! He does not even know the number four. How can he be our President! How can China be well governed! In this environment could good people not be bullied!"

2."Falun Gong Wants to Benefit People, but Jiang Won't Allow It."

A Falun Dafa practitioner in Yantai City went to his old friend's workplace and told him about the truth of Falun Dafa. After he finished talking, his old friend looked at him from his head down to his feet, and said, "I believe Falun Gong is a great and true way of teaching people to be good. Look at you! After you learned Falun Gong, you changed into a new person both spiritually and physically. What kind of society is this! Falun Gong wants to benefit people, but Jiang won't allow it. Where do people have freedom!"

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