Hou Jingtao from Mudanjiang Tortured to Mental Collapse in 2001

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Hou Jingtao, a Falun Gong practitioner from Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, was sent to Jixi Forced Labour Camp and tortured to the point of mental collapse.

Hou Jingtao, a 42-year-old farmer from Yunshan Farm in Mudanjiang City, started practising Falun Gong in 1998. Soon after, all of his illnesses vanished. He tried to speak out for justice for Falun Gong to the local government under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) suppression, but suffered from unfair treatment.

Because of the harassment by Yunshan Farm public security officials, Hou Jingtao went to Beijing to appeal, seeking justice for Falun Gong. However, the Beijing Police Bureau Qianmen Branch arrested him. He was beaten by the police, and as a result, his face and eyes were seriously injured. He was detained in Beijing afterwards.

Ten days later, he was sent to Yunshan Farm detention house by Meng Jincheng and Gao Xianhai, who were both from Yunshan Farm public security bureau. At the same time, Liu Guoliang, who was also from Yunshan Farm public security bureau, ransacked Hou's home.

On Jan. 16th, 2001, Hou Jingtao was sent to another detention centre. After that, he was secretly transferred to the Forced Labour Camp of Jixi City without his family being notified. In the labour camp, he was forced to go through brainwashing sessions and sit on a narrow bench for eight hours each day, with only a few minutes allowed for toilet necessities.

In a so-called "physical examination," Hou Jingtao was secretly injected with nerve-damaging drugs. Soon after that, he started to appear to be mentally disordered. Finally, he suffered a complete mental collapse due to various forms of torture from the police and the prisoners, including disallowing him to use the toilet, beating him with a mop, and burning him with a cigarette butt, etc. He was sent to Mudanjiang City Mental Hospital. After two examinations, he was sent to a drug rehabilitation centre for one month. He was released in October 2001.

The people who participated in persecuting Hou Jingtao were: Wang Hongwu (commissar), Qi Min, Lin Yongjun, Dr. Lin, Ma Lijuan (nurse), Fan Guoyu (team leader), Wang Haifu (deputy team leader).

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2009/7/9/204255.html

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