Elderly Lady Experiences Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Police Brutality

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On August 20th, 2008, I went to distribute flyers about Falun Gong near Jilin Prison. I met a guard from the "joint defence." The guard was about 60 years old. I explained the facts about Falun Gong to him. Instead of listening, he beat me. As a result, my face was injured and turned black. There was a big bump under my left eye and my mouth bled.

Half an hour later, three policemen came and took me to the Chuanying Police Department. After they collected so-called "evidence," they told me to sign their documents. I refused. Three young policemen came up to me. Two held my arms while the other grabbed my hair. They dragged me and threw me against a wall from a distance of five metres. I heard a "thud," and the back of my head hit the wall firmly, making me dizzy. They threw me against the wall repeatedly, four or five times. I was so dizzy that I could not stand up. They ripped out clumps of my hair.

I still refused to sign their documents. The three then twisted my arms behind my back. They held one of my hands and took a fingerprint. Afterwards, I was locked onto an iron chair. One of the policemen burned my hand with a lighter.

At 7 or 8 p.m., they took me to the detention centre on a charge of "disturbing the public order." My hands and arms were swollen, my face was disfigured, and my chest was black. The guards in the detention centre did not dare look at me. A detainee in the same cell said, "You look horrible".

A month later, my family spent a lot of money to get me out of detention and back home.

Persons in charge the case:

Lin Yongxin and Yu Dehai from the Chuanying Police Department in Jilin City

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2009/7/26/205322.html

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