LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, Belgium--Among the many patrons of the Aula Magna theatre to see Shen Yun on May 1 was Mr. Jacob Houtman, former director general of the EU commission. Originally from Holland, he has lived in Belgium for the past 40 years.
"I am impressed by today's show, which is beautiful, perfect, well presented, and which I really liked," said Mr. Houtman. "The beauty, the colours, the dances, etc ... it was perfect."
Mr. Houtman talked about the depth of the show. "I find the show's message very profound. When it starts with the person from the past, and the person who descends from heaven to help humanity.... it was very profound." [The Emperor Ushers in a Glorious Age]
Finally, Mr. Houtman expressed how Shen Yun is not something typically seen in Europe. He said, "I think the show displays human values very well. It's very profound--and the human aspect, the aspect of peace."
"Truly perfect, no flaws"
Also among the audience was theologian Greet Heslinga. She talked about the perfection of the show. "It's incredible. It's truly magnificent. The costumes, the colours, the dance. For me, this was my first exposure to Chinese dance. And it was truly perfect, no flaws."
Ms. Heslinga went on to say, "It was also very spiritual. The lyrics were projected on the screen, and they are also in the programme book. I am curious to read them again." She said she was touched by the lyrics of the vocal soloists, "Because I am a theologian. I am interested in spirituality. Yes, yes, that's it. I know this. The Falun Dafa spirituality is behind this."
"I am also touched by what I saw. Not only the beauty, but also the depth, the human values, the messages expressed through the dances. I am an economist. I am very interested. I want to read the texts, and still think about it."
Ms. Heslinga concluded by saying, "It was professionally done, the spirituality, all this was at a very high level. I will encourage [my friends] to go."
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Greet Heslinga and her husband. |
Shen Yun Displays "The great beauty of traditional Chinese culture"
Nadia Debroi, interpreter of multiple languages for the European Parliament, was present at Shen Yun's May 2 show. Ms. Debroi attended the show with her daughter, Giulia, who was adopted from China.
"I came to the spectacular to allow my adopted daughter, Giulia, who is of Chinese origin, to see the traditional things in Chinese culture: the dances, the music and the instruments," Ms. Debroi said.
"We have learned so many things. We have learned some traditional dances and seen certain traditional costumes that we did not know. For example, the dance with the long sleeves, we knew that it existed, but we had never seen it."
Ms. Debroi also remarked on the piece Astounding Conviction, about a man who unfurls a banner reading 'Falun Dafa is Good' in Tiananmen Square. "There is a very strong message that is conveyed, a message of a pursuit of freedom, a message of a pursuit to cultivate freely both culture and the Chinese tradition," she said. "In this picture, the choreographic point of view is very impressive and very strong, ideas are conveyed very clearly."
Ms. Debroi stated that Shen Yun is "a spectacular that allows us to see pieces from the Chinese cultural tradition, the great beauty of traditional Chinese culture."
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