Mr. Qin Yueming Died as a Result of Torture, Jiamusi Prison Officials Shirk Responsibility

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Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qin Mingyue from the Jinshantun District, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, died in Jiamusi Prison as a result of torture on February 26th, 2011. His family sued Jiamusi Prison officials and sought compensation.

After waiting five months, Mr. Qin’s family went to different government offices in Jiamusi City and Heilongjiang Province, hoping that Jiamusi Prison would reveal the real cause of his death. But the prison officials refused to cooperate and on August 5th formally declined to provide compensation.

Procuratorial officials do not dare register the case

After Mr. Qin’s family brought the lawsuit against Jiamusi Prison on March 26th, they submitted documents requesting compensation from the prison. They also appealed to the Jiamusi City Procuratorate, stating that the Hejiang District Procuratorate refused to register the case.

Two months later, neither Jiamusi Prison officials nor Jiamusi City Procuratorate officials provided feedback. During that time Mr. Qin’s family went to the Jiamusi City Appeals Office many times because of this.

Failing to repeatedly receive any feedback, Mr. Qin’s family decided to go to the justice department in the provincial capital, Harbin City, to appeal.

Provincial agencies shirked responsibilities

Mr. Qin’s family went to Heilongjiang Province Prison Management Bureau, the agency that supervises Jiamusi Prison, and submitted an application for compensation on June 29th. Policy and Regulation Division head Yin agreed to provide a reply soon.

Mr. Qin’s family also appealed to Heilongjiang Province Procuratorate that same day, reporting that neither the Hejiang District Procuratorate nor Jiamusi City Procuratorate had registered the case. Hearing the case was related to Falun Gong, officer Zhang immediately told them to go to the Prison Management Bureau or the Justice Department. He also refused to accept the letter of appeal.

When Mr. Qin’s family went to the Heilongjiang Procuratorate again on July 8th, staff there told them to contact officials at the Jiamusi City Political and Judicial Bureau or Province Prison Management Bureau. One staff member called the Jiamusi Procuratorate and told Mr. Qin’s family to follow up with the officials there.

When Mr. Qin’s family went to the provincial procuratorate appeals division the third time, on July 14th, requesting to register the case, officer Zhang told them the case would not be accepted and told them to contact the Justice Department.

Having been turned away by the provincial procuratorate, Mr. Qin’s family went to the Provincial People’s Congress to report what had happened. One staff member told them that, had Falun Gong not been involved, this death-related case could be thoroughly investigated. All cases connected with Falun Gong are special, however, since 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) supervise these matters themselves.

Jiamusi Prison refused to compensate

When Mr. Qin’s family went to Jiamusi Prison again on August 8th, several officials ordered them to sign a statement to waive compensation. The officials were: Liu Xilin (prison affairs section head), Shen Qingxin (deputy political head of Prison Affairs Section), officer Lu, and officer Li. They claimed that Mr. Qin had died from an illness, and the prison was not responsible for it. During the meeting with Mr. Qin’s family, Liu Xilin laughed at them, saying, “Why do you think the prison should compensate you?”

Mr. Qin’s family members are continuing to appeal.

For additional information, please read more about Mr. Qin Yueming's case:

Mr. Qin Yueming Tortured to Death in Jiamusi Prison

Daughter Calls for Justice After Father Is Persecuted to Death (Photo)

Heilongjiang Province Prison Management Bureau
Zhu Wenxue, bureau head: +86-451-87519666 (Office), +86-451-86362149 (Home), +86-13804588996
Zhang Zhian, political head: +86-451-86317277 (Office), +86-451-53660892 (Home), +86-13352515557
Heilongjiang Province Justice Department
Liu Yichang: +86-451-82297138 (Office)
Sun Wei: +86-451-82297075 (Office)
Provincial Procuratorate
Jiang Wei: +86-451-82360260 (Office)
Che Chengjun: +86-451-82360978 (Office)

Chinese version available at

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