Lin Hongjun and Practitioners from Baoji, Shanxi Province Tortured in Prison

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Name: Lin Hongjun
Gender: Male
Age: Forties
Address: Linjia Village, Xiashi Town (formerly Xiashi Village) in Jintai District, Baoji
Date of Most Recent Arrest: November 9th, 2008
Most Recent Place of Detention: Weinan Prison
City: Weinan
Province: Shanxi
Persecution Suffered: Brainwashing, imprisonment

Name: Luo Yanting
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Address: Apartment complex affiliated with Baoji Shilipu Posts and Telecommunications Corporation
Occupation: Engineer, Baoji Telecommunications Company
Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 10th, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Jintai District Detention Centre
City: Baoji
Province: Shanxi
Persecution Suffered: Brainwashing, imprisonment, dismissal from workplace, detention

In February 2009, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Lin Hongjun and Mr. Xi Shuangsheng, from Baoji, Shanxi Province, were sentenced to three-year and eight-year prison terms, respectively. On August 16th, Lin Hongjun was finally released, but was emaciated and mentally unstable as a result of being tortured in the prison. Mr. Luo Yanting, an engineer in Baoji, was arrested by Baoji 610 Office agents (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in June 2004. He was subsequently sentenced to seven years in prison and was finally released in May 2010. He was arrested again on July 27th, 2011, and is currently being held at the Jintai District Detention Centre.

Mr. Lin Hongjun from Baoji Subjected to Torture, Left in Mentally Unstable Condition Without Income

Mr. Lin had both legs amputated, and was therefore severely handicapped. His condition improved after receiving mental and physical benefits from practising Falun Gong. He earned his income from providing transportation for others or transporting goods with his three-wheeled motorcycle, which was modified for the handicapped. He was married, had one son, and enjoyed a harmonious family life. However, in 2009 he was sentenced to three years in prison by the Jintai District Court in Baoji, Shanxi Province for producing truth-clarification materials. He was subjected to long-term torture in Weinan Prison. When he finally returned home on August 16th, 2011, he was emaciated and mentally unstable. His family left him, and he was without an income.

On the afternoon of November 9th, 2008, Mr. Lin, along with practitioner Xi Shuangsheng from the Weibin District of Baoji, were buying materials, but were followed by police. Officers from Dianzi Street Police Station at the Jintai Public Security Division in Baoji arrested them while they were producing the truth-clarifying materials in a rented room on Dianzi Street. All of their materials and computer equipment were confiscated. Their case was submitted to the Baoji 610 Office, and the Jintai Criminal Team from Jintai Public Security Bureau. Mr. Lin was detained and tortured at the Baoji Xifu Hotel, then transferred to the Jintai Detention Centre.

At 3:00 p.m. on February 25th, 2009, the Baoji Jintai District Court sentenced Lin Hongjun and Xi Shuangsheng to three years and eight years in prison, respectively.

Mr. Luo Yanting Still Being Held at Jintai District Detention Centre

Luo Yanting was arrested by agents from the Baoji 610 Office, Jintai District, and the Weibin District Criminal Team only because he produced media which explained the facts about Falun Gong. He was later sentenced to seven years in prison. In May 2010, he finally returned home. His former employer, Baoji Telecommunication Company, received orders from the 610 Office, and fired him. Later, he went back to his hometown in Hunan Province, where he worked for six months. In 2011, he returned to Baoji to reunite with his wife, and found a temporary job there.

However, officials from the Baoji 610 Office and the Jintai District 610 Office ordered the street committee to monitor Mr. Luo and constantly harass him. On July 10th, 2011, Mr. Luo visited his friend Wang Shaogeng’s home on Yanhe Street in order to clarify the truth. Wang Shaogeng’s son returned home while they were talking, and upon hearing their conversation about Falun Gong, he became offensive and very rude toward Mr. Luo. His father scolded him, but he reported them to the Zhongshan East Street Police Station. When Mr. Luo Yanting attempted to leave, Wang Shaogeng’s son pulled him back and prevented him from leaving. Soon after, officers from the Zhongshan East Street Police Station arrived and arrested Mr. Luo. The next day, he was taken to a Panjiawan Brainwashing Centre in Baoji.

Mr. Luo was detained at the brainwashing centre for sixteen days, during which time the police prohibited family visitation. On July 27th, he was transferred to Jintai District Detention Centre, where he is currently being held.

Individuals and organisations responsible:
Huang Chao, secretary, Baoji Municipal Politics and Law Committee
Fu Jinjun, director of Baoji 610 Office
Yin Zhongqiang, director of Jintai District 610 Office, Baoji: +86-13992711689
Jintai Public Security Division: +86-917-3153000, +86-917-3153017, +86-917-3153018
Zhao Xinghao, director: +86-197-3658116, +86-13609175678
Zhang Minghui, director of Jintai District Detention Centre: +86-13891715105
Xia Mingjun (formerly Xia Junming), director of Weibin District 610 Office; 54 year-old male. Office telephone: +86-917-3312797

Chinese version available at

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