During Hu Jintao's visit to Denmark June 14-16, 2012, Falun Gong practitioners called upon him to seize the historic opportunity to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and bring to justice Jiang Zemin and his gang for their roles in persecuting Falun Gong. People from all walks of life in Denmark once again focused on China, especially the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) 13-year brutal persecution of Falun Gong group. Large media outlets in Denmark covered the Falun Gong activities, interviewing and reporting on practitioners now living in Denmark that had experienced the persecution when they were in China.
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The Denmark Politiken newspaper published a long report on June 15, telling the story of 62-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Bao Xuezhen, who is currently living in Copenhagen. The interview, titled “Bao Xuezhen Recalls the Deceased and Detained,” said that Bao started practicing Falun Gong in 1995. Her stubborn illness that had plagued her for years miraculously disappeared in a short time. But when Jiang Zemin [former CCP head] banned Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, her normal life came to a standstill. Since she had personally experienced the physical and mental benefits of practicing Falun Gong, she refused to give it up.
She was illegally arrested in 2001 and sentenced to three and a half years in prison. She was incarcerated in a women's prison in Shanghai. She told the journalist from Politiken, “China's prison is not a place to stay. 18 people are squeezed in a cell of 10 square meters, and we had to leave a place for the toilet. We slept on the ground at night, and we couldn't even straighten our legs. We were made to squat in the daytime if we didn't do hard labor.”
Ms. Bao Xuezhen was released in October 2004, but she was still warned and threatened not to continue practicing Falun Gong. Local government officials created all kinds of difficulties for her. After twists and turns, she at last got her passport and came to Denmark. She was approved to stay in Denmark as a refugee.
Danish TV Station DR News Channel Interviews Persecuted Practitioner
Danish TV Station DR news channel made a special trip to Bao Xuezhen's residence to interview her on June 14. She described the inhumane treatment and physical abuse she had been subjected to in the CCP prison. She said in tears, “I'm now free, I'm so happy. I can freely do the exercises in Denmark, and can speak with you this way, but I can't in China.”
Bao Xuezhen hopes that the Danish media and government will call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong during the Hu Jintao's visit to Denmark.
Danish Radio Station “Radio24syv” Interviews Falun Gong Spokesperson
A newly-established radio station in Denmark, Radio24syv, interviewed Falun Gong spokesperson Benny Brix on its 8 O'clock News Time. The program began with Falun Gong music “Pudu,” and made a special introduction of Falun Gong to the listeners. Mr. Brix told the audience that Falun Gong's cultivation principles are Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and that Falun Gong has been embraced and practiced by people in more than 100 countries. Millions of practitioners have upgraded their moral standards and achieved health benefits.
When the host of the program asked why the CCP persecutes such a peaceful cultivation group, Mr. Brix said that it is because Jiang Zemin was afraid of Falun Gong's rapid acceptance throughout China. He couldn't tolerate seeing people upgrade their moral standards and becoming better people, and therefore insisted on launching the persecution campaign.
Falun Gong Practitioners' Peaceful Appeal Impresses the Danish Media
Falun Gong practitioners from Denmark and other neighboring countries gathered in Copenhagen on June 15. From morning to night, they were in front of the Chinese Embassy, at City Hall Square in downtown, and on the Højbro Plads [plaza] near the Danish Parliament Building where Danish officials held a banquet for Hu Jintao. The practitioners told the Danish people and the government the facts about Falun Gong and called on Hu to stop the persecution and bring Jiang Zemin and his gang to justice for their roles in persecuting Falun Gong. In the evening, practitioners lit candles to mourn practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution in China.
Danish TV Station TV2 came to the venue to cover the practitioners' peaceful appeal. Danish Falun Gong spokesperson Benny Brix said that Falun Gong practitioners in Denmark have been working to end the persecution in a peaceful manner for 13 years. They hope that the Danish government and the media will listen to their concerns and recognize that Falun Gong practitioners are peaceful and rational. Mr. Brix pointed to the practitioners meditating and said, “Such a peacefulness comes from the practitioners' depth of heart, no matter what problems or trouble we face, we will arrive at a good solution. We don't look externally to blame others.” The TV reporter was moved and said sincerely, “You're the hope for the future of mankind.”
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