Clarifying the Facts to the Chinese People Living in the Middle East

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By a Falun Dafa practitioner living in the Middle East

"These are related to China - we want to read them."

The Chinese population here is very sparse, so I often go to restaurants where Chinese people eat to distribute flyers. In certain situations it would take too long for me to wait outside for them to finish their meals, so I just walk in to distribute flyers to them. Many Chinese people accepted the flyers politely as soon as they understood that they were Falun Gong flyers. One time a Pakistani waiter stopped me from distributing the flyers, but I didn't quite understand what he said in English. I heard a Chinese person tell him in English, "These are related to China - we want to read them."

"Give me more, I will help you distribute them."

Another time I went to Chinatown to clarify the truth. The Chinese people there had never seen these truth-clarifying flyers before and one of them said to me, "Great! Give me more, I will help you distribute them. We've been here for two years and we have never read about the truth regarding Falun Gong." Another said, "I'll help you distribute them. I have been persecuted by them too." Some others said, "Where can we find you in the future? What if we want to learn how to practice?" I was so happy for their awakening to the truth!

Sept. 20, 2002

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