Disabled by Torture for Practising Falun Gong

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By a practitioner from China

My name is Li Shixia, and I started to practise Falun Gong four years ago. My previous illnesses miraculously disappeared after only two months of cultivation.

On July 20, 1999, Jiang started to persecute Falun Dafa. Master Li's Falun Dafa had given me a new life, so I wanted to appeal for Dafa. The policemen from my hometown often tried to force me to sign statements promising to give up Falun Gong, and I always resolutely refused. As a result I was illegally detained three times in 1999. In mid November of 1999, I travelled to Beijing to shout out to the world in Tiananmen Square that Falun Dafa is a righteous practise. Afterwards, while I was in a fellow practitioner's home, I was kidnapped to Shilou Detention Centre, and my relatives escorted me home after thirteen days. I've been continuously persecuted since then and have not been able to return home. After two months in Nanshan Detention Centre in Shulan City, Jilin Province, I was sentenced to a year of "labour re-education."

I was first put into a labour camp on December 27, 1999, and on January 16, 2000, I was transferred to the Changchun Labour Camp. I continued to cultivate Dafa with determination during this time. The police often used electric batons to torture me, but I'd rather have lost my life than given in. On December 1, 2000, the police intensified their torture and continuously increased the voltage on their electric batons, creating excruciatingly painful neck wounds that required two months to heal and generating deep scars. The authorities even extended my sentence by thirteen months. They relentlessly tortured me, forced me to take drugs, and told me that the medicine they injected was "first-grade poison" and would lead to a "calm death." Because of their torture and keeping me from practising the exercises, I had so much trouble with my lower body that I couldn't even walk properly. Sometimes the collaborators [former practitioners who, under torture and intense pressure have stopped practising and now assist in brainwashing and torturing other practitioners] also physically tortured me, causing me great agony.

I was released on December 30, 2001, and after going home I again rejoined my efforts in revealing the facts about the persecution. On May 4, 2002, when I was clarifying the truth on the streets, I was again arrested and detained for two months. I was subsequently sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. Because of the dampness in the labour camp, I can't move my legs normally, can't practise the exercises, and require a lot of help from fellow practitioners to get around.


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