Kiev, Ukraine
The international association “Social Orientation and Prospect Research Centre”, based in Ukraine, (abbreviated as “Association” below) aims to carry out research on modern physical and spiritual practices, based upon traditional and non-traditional practices of body and mind, to set up and manage an archive on such practices and to analyse the information and write research reports.
This Association aims to help those who have been harmed by cults resume their normal social life, and to help develop practices that enable people to quit drugs, alcohol and other bad habits.
This Association aims to initiate and develop projects that help individuals achieve perfection through active and effective advocacy.
In order to actively promote and spread practices that are beneficial both physically and mentally, and to create favourable conditions for the growth of younger generations, this Association has conducted a social research project on the practice of Falun Gong.
Falun Gong is a modern system of personal cultivation, and is one of China’s qigong practices. It belongs to the modern methods of physical and spiritual cultivation. The practice is based upon ancient Buddhist and Taoist cultivation methods, to which some modifications were made to facilitate people to practice in modern times.
Falun Gong has been widely spread in the world, and has attracted up to 100 million followers in 54 countries.
Falun Gong is not a religion (it does not have religious rituals or idols for worship), does not have organisations, does not charge any fees, does not participate in politics, and does not conduct business activities (it is free to study and practise).
We think that Falun Gong is a method of personal cultivation that is beneficial to society. It can improve people’s health and upgrade their moral standards. This practice can beautify people’s hearts, improve interpersonal relationships, eliminate various habits that are harmful to the mind and body, and rectify the adverse effects of certain quasi-religious practices have had on the modern society (especially on young people).
Head of Association:
Document Originally in Ukrainian:
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