Falun Dafa Practitioner Returns 9,000 Yuan Overpayment to Bank Teller

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One day in June 2002, I went to the bank to withdraw 1,000 Yuan from my bank account. [The average monthly income of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan]. However the bank teller gave me 10,000 Yuan in error. The teller became busy serving other customers wanting to make deposits. My first thought was that I should not wait. Maybe I should just go and talk to her supervisor. Then, I changed my mind. I am a practitioner, and I'm not interested in praise or rewards. If I were to talk to her supervisor she might get punished or even be fired. A good deed might turn into something that would hurt her. I thought about what our Teacher says in Chapter 4 of Zhuan Falun [The main text of Falun Gong:

"You should always be benevolent and kind to others, and consider others when doing anything. Whenever you encounter a problem, you should first consider whether others can put up with this matter or if it will hurt anyone. In doing so, there will not be any problems. Therefore, in cultivation practise you should follow a higher and higher standard for yourself."

Therefore, I waited until she had finished with the first customer. I told her: "Ma'am, my withdrawal was for 1,000 Yuan. You gave me 10,000 Yuan." I gave the extra money back to her through the window in a bankbook. At first, she was startled. When she realised what had happened, she said: "Thank you, Thank you very much!" I said: "You are welcome. I am a Falun Gong practitioner. It is our Teacher, Li Hongzhi, who tells me to act in this way." A middle-aged woman behind me said: "Nowadays, people would cheat and do anything to get that much money."

Through studying the principles of Falun Gong and through discussion with other practitioners, I realised that this episode was not for my benefit. I am one practitioner in Dafa. What I did was for Dafa. It was meant to tell society: In this world filled with lies, wickedness and violence, Dafa practitioners, still have high moral standards for their conduct.

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