Mr. Min Changchun Critically Injured from Ruthless Beatings in Qinduankou Prison

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Falun Dafa practitioner Min Changchun was beaten many times by a group of inmates in Qinduankou Prison. The physical assault left Mr. Min with severely damaged internal organs and many wounds on his body. On March 4, Mr. Min was in a coma and required emergency surgery in the General Jail Hospital of Hubei Province.

Mr. Min is about 30 years old. He was arrested three times in the past and managed to escape every time. On July 16, 2002, policemen from the Wuhan City Qingdao Road Police Station unlawfully arrested him. He was imprisoned and tortured in detention centres in Wuhan. In September 2002, Mr. Min was sentenced to four years in prison for attempting to tap into the local cable TV to broadcast programmes exposing the persecution. In December 2003, he was taken to the Qinduankou prison in Hubei Province.

On the evening of January 22, 2005, inmate Zhang Binhua beat Mr. Min for not giving a satisfactory answer in the "End of the Year Appraisal." Mr. Min reported the incident to prison officials, which didn't stop Zhang Binhua. Zhang then gathered other inmates to beat Mr. Min mercilessly twice.

On the morning of January 23, 2005, during roll call, Mr. Min reported incidents from the previous day to prison officials again. Afterwards, Zhang Binhua told other inmates to drag Mr. Min to a room. Inmates beat Mr. Min for the fourth time in a row. Around noon, Zhang Binhua told Zhang Changshen to take Mr. Min to cell No 5. Zhang Changshen grabbed Mr. Min's feet, dragged him to the cell, threw him on the ground, shouted, "You are asking to die!" and then fiercely stomped on his abdomen. Mr. Min rolled on the ground from the excruciating pain. Zhang Binhua kicked Mr. Min in the lower back, injuring his internal organs. Xiong Junhua stomped on Mr. Min's head and Zhu Zhenhua kicked his back multiple times.

The beatings wounded Mr. Min's body in many places. The kicks from Zhang Changshen severely damaged Mr. Min's internal organs. He could hardly eat anything because of the throbbing pain and swelling in his abdomen. Mr. Min's upper torso was also severely injured. He was in a critical condition.

On February 21, after a check-up in the hospital of Qinduankou Prison, Mr. Min was transferred to the General Prison Hospital of Hubei Province, where he was diagnosed with severe injuries of the pancreas and spleen, with a large amount of fluid accumulation in both the chest and the abdomen, as well as the legs and feet. On March 4, Mr. Min received emergency surgery and woke up from a coma that had lasted for dozens of hours. During his stay in hospital, his family was notified that his life was in danger. Currently, Mr. Min is still recuperating in the hospital.

The following is the contact information of the responsible parties and departments in Qinduankou Prison, Wuhan City, Hubei Province:

Addresses: P.O. Box 51183, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Zip code: 430051
Switchboard: 86-27-84613744, 86-27-84657035, 86-27-84657252
Prison: 86-27-84613642
Warden Kong Jinxi: 86-27-84657626 (Home)
Political commissar Deng Kailiang
Political commissar Yang Changchu: 86-27-84657289 (Home) (Note: Yang Changchu has been transferred to work at Hongshang Prison)
Discipline commission secretary Gao Junting: 86-027-84613611 (Office)
Political division director He Chunyun: 86-27-84613605 (Office)

Chinese version available at

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