Mr. Qu Yanlai Sent to Tilanqiao Prison Hospital in Shanghai; His Life Is in Imminent Danger

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Recently there was a report on the Minghui website (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom) about the recent situation of the persecution of practitioners in Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai. It was mentioned that Mr. Qu Yanlai was taken to an unknown place by the prison authorities. We have now learned that he was sent to the Tilanqiao Prison Hospital because he was in critical condition.

Mr. Qu Yanlai was taken from No. 6 Ward to the No. 2 Ward on the fourth floor. The guards kept leather handcuffs on him the entire time. Despite the fact that Mr. Qu has been on a hunger strike for over four and a half years, and has become emaciated, the prison guards continue to abuse him both mentally and physically and in March the authorities had to send him to the prison hospital because of his precarious health.

Chinese version available at

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