Brutal Torture Suffered by Ke Xingguo and Other Practitioners at the Beijiao No. 4 Prison in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

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I am an employee at the Ministry of Agriculture. I was detained in the Beijiao No. 4 Prison in Shijiazhuang City for practising Falun Gong. Due to long-term physical and mental torture, many Falun Gong practitioners detained here show various degrees of abnormal physical conditions. In January 2006, Yang Xiaojie, who was detained in the 11th ward, died. Practitioners in the No. 4 Prison went on hunger strike to mourn Yang Xiaojie and to protest the torture. In order to cover up the torture, people from the 610 Office1 in the No.4 Prison locked me in a solitary cell, using the excuse that "Ke Xingguo does not participate in doing any labour."

In March and October of 2003, they applied physical and mental torture on me on the second floor of the reception building. I was restrained for eight or nine days and was not allowed to sleep. They used a rope and lifted either my arms or one of my legs in the air. They also used a special torture device: an iron ring welded to an iron plate. Using a very short rope, they tied me on one side to handcuffs and the other side to the iron ring. I could not sit up or lie down. For the flimsiest excuse they would beat me. This torture was continued for weeks. My legs became numb during this period.

In March 2006, I went on a hunger strike protesting Yang Xiaojie's death. Consequently, they locked me in a cold, damp, and tiny solitary cell. They put me in restraining devices, although my legs were numb and I could no longer stand steadily. They also refused to give me anything to cover myself with while sleeping.

In June 2006, people from the 610 Office of the education section took me from the fourth ward to a room that was solely used for torturing Falun Gong practitioners. They made up excuses to torture me. Another practitioner Li Mingtao was also being tortured there. His legs were swollen due to being forced to continuously stand for over one month.


1. "The 610 office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

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