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  • Cyprus: Falun Gong practitioners Hold a Press Conference in Nicosia

    Being victims of genocide, Falun Gong practitioners attracted a lot of attention from the media. Reporters from four main TV channels, a few large newspapers, national radio and some news agencies were present at the conference. The press conference lasted for one hour, during which the reporters listened carefully and with interest.
  • Germany: Promoting Falun Dafa and Teaching the Exercises at Siegen Health Expo

    The organisers of the exhibition came to the Dafa stand to learn more about Falun Gong before giving an introduction of over the hall’s public address system. Their introduction recommended that people participate in learning the Falun Gong exercises, which were being taught for free.
  • Lawsuit Filed Against Chinese Human Rights Abuser Wu Guanzheng during his Visit to Cyprus

    A member of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee, Wu is a key figure in the 4-year campaign of brutal persecution against Falun Gong, during which at least 805 practitioners in China are known to have died of torture or ill-treatment. Wu has personally coordinated the persecution in Shandong Province where 93 practitioners are known to have died.
  • Norway: Promoting Falun Gong at the Alternative Therapies Fair in Stavanger

    There were always one or two practitioners who distributed flyers and talked with the visitors. The people were very eager, curious and interested to chat with the practitioners about Falun Gong. Practitioners often found themselves spontaneously surrounded by large groups of people who wanted to find out more.
  • Bulgaria: Falun Gong Practitioners Successfully Hold a Painting Exhibition

    Last week the Chinese embassy blocked a painting exhibition of Zhang Cuiying, a traditional Chinese artist and Falun Gong practitioner. After this was revealed to the public, many Bulgarian MPs, citizens and journalists condemned the Chinese embassy’s behaviour. With justice on her side, Ms. Zhang’s painting exhibition went ahead successfully.
  • UK: Celebrating Cambridge’s First Falun Dafa Week

    Chinese and western people all carefully read the posters about the lawsuit against Jiang and his human rights crimes. An elderly person who was with his granddaughter happily watched the practitioners’ performances and expressed hope that Jiang will be successfully brought to justice like the former leader of Yugoslavia. He felt very happy that evil people cannot escape punishment.
  • Germany: Clarifying the Facts in Chamer and Koetzting

    On October the 17th and 18th, practitioners held activities to let people know more about Falun Gong and the persecution, in the cities of Chamer and Koetzting. Reporters from a local newspaper interviewed practitioners. As a result, more and more people have learned about the persecution and the trial of Jiang Zemin.
  • Spain: A Successful Press Conference held in Madrid

    Dafa practitioners filed a criminal lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan at the Spanish National Court on the October 15th. They then held a press conference, which was attended by "Reuters", Spain's "National Radio Station", Spain’s biggest news agency "El Pais", "Cado" magazine, "NTDTV" and others.
  • Spain: Spanish Attorney Files a Criminal Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan for Crimes of Torture and Genocide in Madrid

    Jiang is the chief criminal in planning and implementing this persecution. He has personally ordered the formation of the Gestapo-like “610” Office to systematically carry out his orders of “defaming their reputation, bankrupting them financially, and destroying them physically”. As a result of these orders, thousands of practitioners have been persecuted to death or cruelly tortured.
  • Spain: Explaining the Facts about the Lawsuit against Jiang

    Practitioners distributed information about the lawsuit against Jiang. Many people took the initiative to come over and ask for a flyer. Some even asked for extra ones for their family and friends. After finding out that Jiang has been sued in Spain on the charge of “genocide,” they showed their support by signing their names in the appeal signature books.
  • UK: Scottish Practitioners took part in Human Rights Activities organised by Amnesty International

    A Falun Dafa stall was set up in the hall and then practitioners joined Amnesty International and other human rights organisations for a parade that was led by Scottish bagpipe players. In the town centre, the practitioners were very busy handing out leaflets and holding banners, so members of another human rights organization voluntarily helped them.
  • Spain: Speech by Falun Gong Practitioner Chen Ningfang at a Press Conference on the Lawsuit against Jiang

    "My son suffered these tortures only because he practised Falun Gong – a cultivation practice which not only brought him good health and happiness, but also guided him to be a decent person. In other words, it was only because he insisted on his belief in “Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.” That period was the most miserable time for us, since we worried about him every day, and we did not know what would become of him."
  • UK: MP and the Public Support Grand Performance in Cambridge

    Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Cambridge city centre to promote Falun Gong and let people know about the human rights violations occurring against practitioners in China. Their performances showed the Cambridge people the true beauty of Chinese culture in a lion dance and traditional Chinese fan dancing. There were also songs performed by practitioners and a Public Trial of Jiang Zemin.
  • Clarifying the Facts in the Process of Filing the Spanish Lawsuit Against Jiang

    On the day after my arrival, I joined two practitioners in contacting the Swedish embassy in Madrid to tell them about the lawsuit, the persecution of Falun Gong in China and how China has extended the persecution to foreign countries. After explaining the facts to them, the staff wanted to know more and also wanted to attend the press conference that was to be held the day after the lawsuit was officially filed.
  • Spain: Falun Gong Practitioners File a Lawsuit against Jiang

    “The purpose of this lawsuit is to stop the persecution and guarantee that the crimes committed against Falun Gong practitioners will receive appropriate punishment. Since the start of the persecution in 1999, there have been between 800 and 2000 Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death and approximately 200,000 sent to labour camps.”