Torture, Death Cases, Organ Harvesting

  • Mr. Sun Dianbin Suffers Food Deprivation and Other Abuses at the Daqing City Prison

    Falun Gong practitioners held at the Daqing City Prison are not able to enjoy the most basic of human rights. They are cruelly tortured for even the slightest provocation, including not fulfilling the guards' unreasonable demands. Mr. Sun Dianbin, 38, is among those practitioners who was tortured recently. On March 22nd, 2009, Mr. Sun' s mother visited her son. He looked weak so she realized that the guards must have deprived him of food because he refused to wear the prison uniform.
  • 610 Office Personnel from Zhucheng City, Shandong Province Beat and Torture Ms. Liu Xixiang

    On November 17th, 2008, police broke down the door of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Xixiang's house in Baiyushanzhi Village, Zhucheng City. They arrested her, searched her house, and confiscated her personal property, including a computer and printer. Liu Xixiang was detained at the trading boarding house of Zhucheng City, beaten, forced to sit on the iron chair and was force fed. Group leader Wang Hongbo led more than 10 people to take turns torturing Liu Xixiang. They locked her on the iron chair and deprived her of sleep. Liu Xixiang went on hunger strike to resist this persecution. Seeing that she wouldn't be able to survive much longer, they dragged her to a Chinese medicine hospital to feed her by force.
  • Crimes Committed by Hewan Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City

    In September 2000, I was arrested by police and taken to Hewan Forced Labour Camp. They ordered other inmates to cut my hair. I saw other inmates' hair that had been cut; it was a mess. Some Falun Gong practitioners' hair had been cut half and half, where if their heads were viewed from behind, half of their head would have long hair and the other half would show strips of scalp, it was a complete mess. This was done to humiliate practitioners. All the things my family sent to me, including blanket, coats, winter shoes and boots, all of them were soaked in water before they were given to me.
  • The Brainwashing Techniques Used at Hebei Women's Prison

    Falun Gong practitioners who were sentenced to Hebei Women's Prison were sent to a brainwashing centre on the first day. They were not allowed to speak with each other, and were forced to watch videos denouncing Falun Gong and sing the songs of the communist party. Practitioners who protested by going on hunger strike were dragged away for forced feeding. Some were intentionally dropped on the ground after being dragged several steps. Then the perpetrators would hang up a plastic bottle with a rubber tube attached, and this would be inserted into the practitioner's stomach. When they pulled the tube out, they pulled it hard and it would always have blood on it.
  • Thirty-Nine-Year-Old Farmer Dies as a Result of Persecution

    On November 28th, 2004, Mr. Quan Xueyin was arrested again by the county 610 Office and National Security Division and his home was ransacked by police. He was sentenced to three years in prison. During the interrogation, he was badly beaten and his body was covered with wounds. Near the end of his prison term, a guard extracted blood from him and injected him with an unknown drug. As a result, he had much difficulty breathing and his lungs finally became rotten. On March 8th, 2009, Mr. Quan passed away at the age of 39.
  • His Father Already Imprisoned, an Overseas Student Appeals for Help to Free His Recently Arrested Mother

    Several days ago I learned that my mother, Zhang Guilan, had been arrested and sent to a detention centre on March 14th, 2009. This is her fourth arrest. My father is currently detained in Jidong Prison in Hebei Province. My sister stays at home alone. I have an 86-year-old grandmother. We haven't told her of my mother's arrest because we are afraid that she might not be able to bear it. And I myself am far away overseas. I am getting anxious and disturbed. As a member of a Falun Gong family, I hereby appeal for all kind hearted people and people with conscience to help rescue my mother so that our family can be reunited. I also appeal for people around the world to step forward with courage and help those that are being persecuted for being kind. They don't deserve that.
  • A Practitioner in Her 70s Is Jailed in an "Intensive Training Camp" and Her Life Is at Risk

    An elderly female practitioner from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province has been sentenced to a 4-year prison term. She is now being held at Harbin Women's Prison. Along with several other practitioners, she was tortured while in the "Intensive Training Camp." Now her life is in grave danger. Her family members are urgently requesting her immediate release. On February 3rd, 2009, Ms. Liu Jingyan's 76-year-old husband was accompanied by their daughter to visit her at the prison. Her daughter burst into tears when she saw that her mother's teeth had all fallen out and she was wasting away.
  • First Hand Account of Widespread Torture at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp

    On August 27th, 2002, practitioners in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province experienced another round of torture at the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. Guards forcibly dragged Ms. Cui to an unknown location and tortured her for not wearing the forced labour camp's uniform. After some time, Ms. Cui stumbled back to her cell, escorted by a male guard. Ms. Cui clasped her neck in pain and her face was all black and blue. She said that guard Sun Qingqiang had beaten and shocked her. Shortly after, Ms. He Miao was dragged out of her cell and forced to sit on an "iron chair". The guards simultaneously beat and shocked her with an electric baton.
  • Tailai Prison Refuses to Release Pan Benyu Even Though He Is in Critical Condition

    Since October 1999, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pan Benyu has been arrested, put into a forced labour camp, and sentenced to prison. All of this happened because he steadfastly practised Falun Gong. He was beaten and tortured in the prison, and in order to avoid near certain harassment and arrest, was forced to leave home after being released. On December 9th, 2006, he was arrested at his parents' home by police, and subsequently imprisoned in Tailai Prison. Due to prolonged persecution, his health became very poor, and his life was in peril. His head was swollen, he had suffered a heart attack, and he also suffered from liver ascites and was unable to take care of himself. The prison, however, still refused to release him for medical care.
  • Police Torture Ms. Shen Chunfang from Yueyang City Attempting to Extort a Confession

    On March 3rd, 2008, Ms. Shen Chunfang, 57, was reported to the police because she explained the facts about Falun Gong in public. On March 7th, seven people tricked her into opening her door and took her to the police station. That night the police interrogated Ms. Shen. When she did not cooperate, they took her to the Hubin Detention Centre, attempting to extort a "confession." One police officer beat her three times with a three-inch-thick tree branch and handcuffed her behind her back. Another officer lifted up her handcuffed hands, causing her great pain. She sweated so much from the pain that her clothing was soaked.
  • Practitioner Again Arrested and Tortured, Finally Released: Ms. Liang Xiulan in Qianan, Hebei Province

    Ms. Liang Xiulan is a 43-year-old Falun Gong practitioner. She was arrested again around April 1st, 2009, and we have no current information about her. Police had arrested Ms. Liang several times and tortured her ruthlessly at a brainwashing centre and police station, tortures which included shocking her with electric batons and slapping her in the face. In May 2008, Ms. Liang was distributing informational materials when someone reported her to police. Policeman Pu Yonglai said to her fiercely, "If we kill you, that is counted as suicide, and it has nothing to do with us. If it is exposed on the Internet it is even better, since police officials would know we are working hard." He handcuffed Ms. Liang's hands separately to two chairs, then he and another policeman each took an electric baton and shocked her for a long time, from head to foot.
  • Older Practitioner Wang Zhiwu Being Persecuted in the Handan Forced Labour Camp

    Mr. Wang Zhiwu is an older Falun Gong practitioner from Handan City, Hebei Province. He has been incarcerated in the Handan Forced Labour Camp since 2005. Mr. Wang was tortured and guards tried to force him to give up his practice. He was handcuffed and forced to stand for days without sleep until his legs were swollen. He was beaten regularly with an electric baton by officers. His skin was burned with cigarettes, and he lost three of his front teeth during the various tortures. Later he was bombarded with brainwashing propaganda and not allowed to sleep. He became completely disoriented and signed a document, promising not to practise Falun Gong. This is how Handan Forced Labour Camp "transforms" practitioners.
  • Calling for the Urgent Rescue of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Xu Lihong in Dalian City, Liaoning Province

    On March 6th, 2009, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xu was arrested at her newspaper stall at around 10 a.m. One witness reported that four police officers and two police cars were involved in the arrest. Many materials stored in the stall were taken away. Her current whereabouts are unknown. The reason for Ms. Xu's arrest is unclear, and so far her family has been unable to reach her. We hope that those with knowledge of her whereabouts will help bring this information to light and protect her life.
  • Parents Jailed for their Belief, Children Calling for Help

    On July 18th, 2008, police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Daoyou from his home. He was later brought to trial on December 23rd. On March 19th, 2009, three police officers broke into Mr. Guo's home and arrested his wife Ms. Wang Yonghua, and she was taken to the police station. Mr. Guo's two young children no longer have any financial support. They are now trying to survive and continue their education without the help of their parents. The boy and girl went to the police station and asked that their mother be released, with no success.
  • Licheng District Court Judge in Jinan City Attempts to Intimidate Falun Gong Practitioner's Lawyers

    The Licheng District Court held a session to hear the case of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuying on February 24th, 2009. At the court session, two lawyers boldly defended Ms. Zhang Yuying. The judge suddenly announced a recess for half an hour. They did not announce the verdict of the court and hastily ended the session. On March 18th, the two lawyers went to the court to ask for the verdict about Zhang Yuying's case. They had to wait until the end of the day and then the vice presiding judge questioned one lawyer in an intimidating manner.