Inside the Labour Camps

  • Exposing the Atrocities of Masanjia Labour Camp (Part IV)

    Some of them [team leaders] even said such evil words, "Just don't practise Falun Gong. You can even go home and become a prostitute, we won't interfere." Some said, "We know you are good people too, but the higher authority will not let you go, we can do nothing about it."
  • How did Wujiapuzi Re-education Centre achieve its "high conversion rate" so admired by Jiang Zemin?

  • Exposing the Atrocities of Masanjia Labor Camp (Part III)

    In March 2001, the word got out that there were reporters coming to Masanjia to conduct interviews. So Masanjia started to prepare for it. On the morning of March 16, team leader Zhang came in with a list, saying that we were to be divided into two groups. Those of us who were beaten badly and still firm in practicing Falun Dafa were called out to form a line, each of us was monitored by one specific person. Then we were all forced into a van and sent to the Junior Discipline and Education Center. Almost all those left in Masanjia were those brainwashed practitioners who had been forced to stop practicing Falun Dafa and even helped in the persecution. What exactly was such an arrangement for? In the Junior Discipline and Education Center we just sat there for the whole morning. It was not until dawn that we were sent back to Masanjia. By then, all the reporters had already left. I couldn't help asking, why were we sent away? Why were we not allowed to see the reporters?
  • The Disingenuous "Work and Rest Schedule" of the Heizuizi Labor Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province

    The "Work and Rest Schedule" in that labor camp is only a facade, used to show inspectors or visitors from the outside. That way people from the outside never know about the real situation in the labor camp. This trick is often used by Jiang Zemin and his followers in order to manufacture and spread lies.
  • Revealing the Conditions at the Shuanghe Labor Camp in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province

    The guards are well fed, but practitioners can only eat bread made with very crude flours. Sometimes the bread had already molded. The food for practitioners is extremely bad and lacks nutrition; sometimes it is even rotten. The result of eating this kind of food is that the practitioners suffer from severe malnutrition. The guards also cheat their superiors when they come to check: they have the cooks prepare some good food, and tell them to lie about feeding practitioners the good food, with vegetables and meat in every meal. Sometimes the guards bring some watermelons and tomatoes and sell them to practitioners at very high prices. Moreover, the vegetables that practitioners grow themselves are sold to them at very high prices.
  • Exposing the Atrocities of Masanjia Labor Camp (Part II)

    During a late night, while I was being punished to bend over, brainwashed practitioner Yang Lin and Yue Shuaimo (released by now) both forced me down by pressing on my back. My legs ached so much as if they were broken. Sweat rolled down my head. There were also other practitioners being punished in the same room. The brainwashed practitioners kept a close watch on me and on other practitioners, and would hit us if there were any slight changes in our squat positions. The punishment usually lasted from day to night, and proceeded to the morning after. Night after night we were not allowed to sleep.
  • Exposing the Atrocities of Masanjia Labour Camp

    The sound of the impact of the batons (as they struck practitioners) was intermingled with the sounds of woeful moans. The team leader and guards stood nearby and merrily observed this horrific scene. The armed police officers scoffed at us with unpleasant jeers.
  • Secret Deals between Hewan Labour Camp and Unlawful Merchants to Exploit Practitioners

    In hindsight I realized that we should refuse to participate in this kind of forced labour, because we did not commit any crime.
  • The Ruthless Crimes Committed By the Police in Ping'antai No. 1 Labor Camp, Gansu Province

    Li Dexiang, female, is a practitioner in Jinchang City. She is held in Group 3 of Team 3 in Brigade 7 of the labor camp. In June of 2001, she was severely beaten and handcuffed from the back for about a month by the wicked people for refusing to write the guarantee statements. When she came out from the first 15 days confinement, her skin was torn and gaping wounds covered her body. She had a wound on her hand that was so deep, one could see the bone. She was interrogated and threatened with more torture if she did not give up practicing Falun Dafa.
  • Practitioners Gave Their Lives to Save Others from Greater Suffering

    Yang Xiuli could not stand it any longer and demanded to be taken down. She was refused and insulted as a result. In the end she said, "I can no longer stand this, let me die." A male officer came in, grabbed her head and smashed it against the wall, saying, "You want to die? I'll help you." Her helpless and tragic cries sent shivers down one's spine. The sorrowful scene brought intense pain to one's heart.
  • Harshness of Daily Life Amidst the Persecution

    This is an urgent call to kind people from all walks of life and from every part of the world to pay close attention to the illegal detention and sentencing of Falun Dafa practitioners to labour camps. Please use your righteous voices for these practitioners who are suffering from unimaginable torture.
  • Heizuizi Female Labour Camp's Policy of Brainwashing, Torture and Inhuman Cruelty

    Zhu Dan, the leader of the league, used a leather strip with a metal head to whip her. She whipped Liu Jihui for a couple of hours until her head was bleeding. As a result of whipping the back of Liu's head, beside her ear there was an opening of 10 centimeters that was treated with 5 stitches. Liu kept shouting, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Evil people are persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners."
  • Over 600 Female Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Illegally Detained and Suffering Inhumane Torture in Wanjia Labour Camp

    Since December 1999, Wanjia Labor Camp combined mental and physical torture to persecute female Falun Dafa practitioners. They extended sentences, hung, beat, locked into small cells, deprived sleep, forced them to work and used other physical punishments and inhuman behavior to torture Falun Dafa practitioners at will. The camp guards implemented a 24-hour monitoring of practitioners. As long as they continued to practice Falun Gong, the guards would oppress them in various ways.
  • Pingdong Labor Camp of Jilin Province Persecutes Dafa Practitioners

    The Vice Governor of Jilin Province, Yang Qingcai, came to the camp for an inspection. Dafa practitioner Zhang Jieshan went up to him to expose the persecution and clarify the truth. Unexpectedly, Yang became enraged and yelled: "Beat him up hard for me. If he dies, he dies for nothing. You bear no responsibility!"
  • The horrors Inside Baimalong Female Labor Camp in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province

    Changsha practitioner, Zuo, female, approximately 20 years old, went on a hunger strike without water. The police forcefully fed her and caused her to suffocate to death. In order to cover the true reason of her death, the labor camp strictly blocked information. They covered her body with a white sheet and carried her away secretly. When other practitioners found out and asked the police, they denied everything and accused the practitioners of lying instead. To this day, Zuo's family still does not know the truth.