Fortunately, the Consulate has moved to a very prominent position on a busy main road that goes from the centre of Edinburgh out of the city to a motorway. Therefore there was a constant stream of traffic passing and many people were able to see the practitioners do the peaceful exercises and send forth righteous thoughts, and also see the banners announcing that Jiang Zemin is being sued for genocide.
Although the weather looked sketchy when the practitioners started their appeal, they were graced with beautiful sunshine for most of the day. In the afternoon two Scottish ladies approached the group. One of the ladies said she had passed the Consulate many times, had seen a Chinese practitioner quietly doing the exercises and had been filled with great admiration for her determined peaceful acts. The practitioners told her the facts about the persecution and both ladies welcomed the leaflets that were given to them. One lady's eyes were brimming over with tears when she conveyed her genuine sympathy for the horror of the persecution and she was deeply moved after talking with the practitioners.
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