Worldwide News
Commemorating the Historic April 25 Appeal, 24 Years On
2023-04-25April 25th 2023 marks 24 years since over 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners held a historic appeal in Beijing for the right to freely practice their belief. The appeal was prompted by a period of growing repression and the arrest of 45 Falun Gong practitioners in the city of Tianjin, raising nationwide concerns about believers’ freedom to practice their faith.
New Jingwen: How Humankind Came To Be
2023-03-04First is the question of how humankind came about. From the dawn of its creation to its final days, the universe has gone through an exceptionally long passage of time consisting of four stages: Formation, Stasis, Degeneration, and Destruction. When the final point of the Destruction stage is reached, the complete obliteration of everything in the greater cosmic body—which includes the universe in which we exist—takes place instantaneously, and all living things perish!
U.S. Secretary of State: “The True Face of the Chinese Communist Party Has Been Exposed”
2021-01-19U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that religious freedom is at the centre of every civilization and when that goes wrong, bad things will emerge.
Hong Kong: People Condemn the CCP's Sabotage and Vandalism of Falun Dafa Booths
2020-12-29Local residents condemned the CCP for its thuggish acts and said this only further exposes the CCP’s true nature.
Over 900 Lawmakers in 35 Countries and Regions Sign a Joint Statement Urging to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong
2020-12-29The lawmakers praised Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful efforts to resist the persecution that has been going on for 21 years.
U.S. Leads Free World in Curbing Chinese Communist Party's Influence
2020-07-26From the U.S. to the U.K., from Canada to Taiwan, countries and regions around the globe have felt the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s threat to the free world. Among them, the U.S. government has been leading the effort to counter the CCP's influence.
Hong Kong: Opposing Mob Attacks and Calling for the End of Communism
2019-10-06Practitioners in Hong Kong gathered on October 1 to condemn the recent mob attack on a Falun Gong practitioner in Hong Kong.
U.S. House of Representatives Passes Resolution Condemning Chinese Regime's Organ Harvesting Crimes Against Falun Gong
2016-06-16The U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed Resolution 343 on the evening of June 13, 2016. The resolution calls on China's communist regime to immediately stop forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.
Grand Parade of Nearly 10,000 Practitioners in New York to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day
2016-05-15Nearly 10,000 practitioners of Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) from over 53 countries held a parade in Manhattan, New York on May 13, 2016, to celebrate the anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction.
Brazil: Raising Awareness and Exposing the Persecution in China
2015-12-21For about four years, Falun Dafa practitioners have gathered once a month on Paulista Avenue, the busiest in Sao Paulo, Brazil, to raise awareness of Falun Gong and the ongoing persecution of the meditation practice in China.
While Visiting New York, Chinese Leader Xi Jinping is Urged to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice
2015-10-01On September 27, as on all other days of Xi Jinping's visit to New York, Falun Gong practitioners held up banners and placards near the Waldorf Astoria and along roadways to the United Nations. The banners demand an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and urge China's top official to bring Jiang Zemin to to justice.
Sydney, Australia: Bring Jiang to Justice!
2015-09-10“Justice and human rights will become reality in China in the end,” said Stephen Sim, a human rights advocate and senior radio host for FM 99.3 in Sydney, addressing a September 4 rally on Queens Square in front of the Federal Court of Australia.
South Korea: “It Feels Like I'm Flying When I Walk” When Attending Nine-day Seminar
2015-09-04Tianti Bookstore, the official store of Falun Dafa books, in South Korea recently held a nine-day Falun Dafa lecture series for the first time. Ten attendants experienced different physical improvements.
Falun Gong Rally and March Win Support as Hong Kong Protests Continue
2014-10-06Falun Gong practitioners held a rally and a march, their signature forms of nonviolent resistance, in the midst of pro-democracy protests on Hong Kong Island.
United States: Full Text of China Human Rights Protection Act of 2014 (H.R. 5379)
2014-08-09Congressman Chris Smith, co-chairman of the U.S. Commission on China and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs human rights subcommittee, introduced a new bill, China Human Rights Protection Act of 2014, to propose sanctions on individual human rights offenders in China.