Prominent UK Human Rights Advocate Stages Hunger Strike on Christmas Eve Calling for Attention to Those Suppressed in China
2020-12-29While many families around the globe gathered to celebrate Christmas eve, Benedict Rogers, co-founder and chief executive of Hong Kong Watch, started a 24-hour hunger strike in protest of the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of innocent people.
The Organization for World Peace Report Highlights Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China
2020-12-29Ouellette said the China Tribunal has “called for the UN to further investigate whether the detainment and organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and Uyghur people constitutes a genocide under the Genocide Convention, and for officials and perpetrators to be held accountable and tried in an international court of law.”
Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China Issues Statement Condemning 21-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong
2020-07-26 -
Amnesty International: Serbia, Release Detained Human Rights Activists
2014-12-17Amnesty International is concerned about reports on the arrest and detention of nine Bulgarian nationals, a Slovak and a Finnish national by the Serbian authorities, in what appears to be attempts to prevent the holding of peaceful demonstrations.
On World Human Rights Day, Finland Amnesty International Called for Release of Zhenping Chen
2013-01-11On December 10, 2012, Amnesty International in Helsinki, Finland, celebrated World Human Rights Day by calling for the immediate release of Ms. Zhenping Chen, a Falun Dafa practitioner currently imprisoned in Zhengzhou City, China. The human rights organization also launched a national online petition to help secure her release.
Amnesty International in the Czech Republic Calls for Releasing Illegally Detained Falun Gong Practitioners
2012-05-26Ms. Jin Zhaoyu said that her mother's ordeal embodies the experiences of tens of thousands of illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners in China. She said, “I hope the governments and the media in all countries will pay attention to the case of my mother, help rescue my mother, release all Falun Gong practitioners, stop the persecution, and restore Falun Gong's good name.”
World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong Announces List of People and Organisations Involved in Persecution
2010-04-24On March 22, the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) announced a list of people and organisations in China that are being investigated for being involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. There are 7051 organisations and 13,332 individuals on the list, and they come from all levels of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) committees, national security systems, law systems, prisons and forced labour camps.
Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice: Spanish Court's Decision Is a Benchmark for International Justice
2009-11-30The Spanish National Court recently indicted five high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials – former Communist Party head Jiang Zemin and his die-hard followers Luo Gan, Bo Xilai, Jia Qinglin and Wu Guanzheng – on charges of genocide and torture of Falun Gong. Theresa Chu, lawyer and spokeswoman for the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice, stated that the Spanish court's decision is the most righteous and a benchmark for the international legal community.
President of a Swedish Human Rights Organisation Publicly Condemns the Persecution of Falun Gong
2009-08-08"Ten years of the persecution of Falun Gong in China have already passed. Ten years of illegal detention, cruel torture, and forced labour. Ten years of brainwashing propaganda and lies have passed. During these ten years, Falun Gong practitioners have never adopted violence, but have simply and peacefully asked to be allowed the freedom of belief."
Open letter to CEO of Eutelsat Communications from 11 Organisations
2008-09-11"As China’s repression becomes more widely known and more widely condemned, as our children ask us what we did about Communism’s violence, oppression, and inexorable ascendancy, we hope that Eutelsat will be remembered well. For the sake of so many suppressed Chinese people, we hope that they may access truth, rather than propaganda. We hope that Eutelsat will play its part, not kowtow to Communism, not be complicit in the suppression of truth, freedom, and human rights, and resume NTDTV’s signals immediately."
Speech: "The Society for Threatened Peoples International is deeply concerned about the ongoing and brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners."
2007-11-16"Since July 1999, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners were arrested and sentenced to jail terms or administrative detention in re-education camps, and were imprisoned in psychiatric facilities. Detained Falun Gong practitioners are often victims of torture and abuse. Torture is a method to intimidate Falun Gong adherents and to force them to renounce their faith and no longer practise the meditative exercises. In protest of their situation and the miserable detention conditions, Falun Gong adherents regularly go on a hunger strike. This result’s often in maltreatment represented by force-feeding and forced labour."
Letter to the German Federal Chancellor and the Foreign Minister
2007-10-20"Worldwide, voices of people that believe in justice are growing stronger in their condemnation of the organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from live Falun Gong practitioners. Alas, it has been shown that these voices are not welcome in Munich. Mr. Gang Chen was given notice by Munich’s office of the district attorney and served with a summons because he had organised a legally registered and permitted rally outside the Chinese Consulate. The participant demonstrated with banners and the re-enactment of an organ harvesting scene, that depicts the inhuman crime of organ harvesting and violation of diplomatic respect."
Secretary General of Interfaith International Centre: CCP Has Failed in Its Attempt to Defame Falun Gong
2007-08-28In the Athens press conference launching the "Human Rights Torch Relay", Dr. Charles Graves, Secretary General of Interfaith International Centre, delivered a speech in which he proclaimed that people in Western society have come to understand Falun Gong through observations and the Chinese regime's attempt to defame Falun Gong have failed.
Speech in Athens at Launch of Human Rights Torch
2007-08-14"China has no special ‘right’ to practise discrimination against any of its religious minorities. Many political leaders who have visited China have asked the political leaders of the People’s Republic to respect human rights. Among these requests is that China respect the religious orientations of the Falun Gong belief."
Speech Given at a Press Conference in London by Vice-Chair of the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
2007-07-07No world event symbolises peace and harmony amongst the people of the world more than the Olympic Games. Besides the significance of Greece being the site of the first Olympics, both ancient and modern, it also hosted the last games in 2004, when all nations of the world were united in the spirit of fair play. If China is allowed to host the next Olympics without first ending its morally corrupt human rights abuses, especially the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, it will be a sad indictment on the moral standards of the world as a whole".