Pressure experienced by Nancy's friends and families in China
Nancy Chen's husband Mr. Lu expressed that it wasn't until Nancy boarded the plane from her parents' hometown of Yibin, Sichuan, that he finally relaxed a little bit. "Her parents said, 'From now on, never come back to China, thank heavens she could safely return to Australia.'" Mr. Lu said that Nancy's parents were so worried since Nancy's kidnapping that they did not eat a full meal in those ten days; their voices on the telephone were so listless. But as soon as they learned that their daughter had boarded the plane and taken off, their hearts finally settled down, their voices also became stronger. "Nancy's neighbors and classmates in Sichuan had all been investigated by the local police. They were all very afraid of talking to each other. Originally they were very happy Nancy could celebrate the Chinese New Year with them and they had been expecting her visit. They could not imagine things would end up like this." Mr. Lu said.
Mr. Lu's Responses to the Threats of the Chinese National Security Department
Mr. Lu said that he learned that in those ten days the police of National Security Department interrogated his wife like a criminal and spy during her kidnapping. They also threatened that if she did not cooperate, they would detain her daughter and expatriate her. The police threatened her family not to leak any information overseas or they would not be responsible for any consequences. "I told Nancy's family over the telephone that no matter how they threatened her, if I can get even a small bit of information, I will publicize that sentence on the internet. I was determined to expose their conduct completely." Mr. Lu said as a member of the "International Committee to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners," he believed that the best response to these terrorist threats was to completely expose the facts these terrorists tried to cover up.
Full Attention of Media and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
During the time of Nancy Chen's kidnapping by the Chinese National Security Department, with efforts of Mr. Lu and people from all walks of life, major news media and the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed their deep concern. During those ten days, major news media agencies that covered Nancy Chen's kidnapping case included AFP, ABC, VOA, Daily Telegraph, The Australian, Herold Sun, ABC Radio and Triple J Radio, RFA and Bankstown Torch, and others. ABC repeatedly broadcasted the news during its news program. Illawarra Mercury also covered the event twice. The Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted Mrs. Chen's family several times and communicated between Mrs. Chen, her family and the Australian government. A councilor flew to Chengdu to visit Mrs. Chen on January 29. This had played an important role in securing Mrs. Chen's release. "The International media's attention also put a lot of pressure on the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Councilor Moree, who visited Mrs. Chen in Chendu said, "Many MPs also expressed their concerns, and this prompted the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to respond in a quick manner."
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