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Mrs. Yoko Kaneko was arrested and illegally detained last May in Beijing for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Later she was sentenced to an 18 month forced labour term. She is still in detention and her life is in danger.
Mr. Lin Shenli from Canada came to attend the press conference. He talked about the persecution he had experienced during his two years forced labour detention. He also told how the Canadian Government and Canadian people helped to secure his release.
Ms. Wu Lili from the "Global Rescue Our Family Members Committee" talked about her sister Wu Xiaohua who was illegally detained in a mental hospital and forced labour camp and subjected to cruel tortures because of her belief in Falun Dafa. She appealed to the Aomori County government, County Council and kind-hearted people to extend their hands to help rescue her sister and stop the persecution in China.
Many local media attended the press conference. Next day, major local news agencies published objective reports.
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