Falun Gong has spread far and wide around the world and practitioners in every country have celebrated the New Year with song and dance. Yet in Holland, the Chinese Embassy is making use of display boards to carry out the evil act of defaming and slandering Falun Dafa.

Practitioners in Holland went to the Chinese Embassy in Holland to appeal against the Embassy, which has used a Lion Dance Celebration as an excuse to hold a photo exhibition defaming Falun Gong.
Once a year, the lion dance is sponsored by the local community and is used to celebrate Chinese New Year. Every year, thousands of Chinese people watch the lion dance and enjoy the New Year celebrations. Even though it is not spectacular people still attend for good luck. Also, the Embassy seldom participates in this event.
However this year the Chinese Embassy paid people 20 Euros per person to march holding banners slandering Falun Gong. They also employed members of the lion dance associations from Spain, Germany and Belgium to form lion dance troupes with the corresponding associations in various cities in Holland. On top of all that, they even shipped specially designed costumes from Beijing and rented several large flatbed tricycles for the troupe members to use. The Embassy also obtained the use of the municipal hall. In the hall, there were Chinese products for sale as well as cultural performances. But behind that, were display boards denigrating Falun Gong. They did not use Dutch or English but Chinese and French.
The Embassy wanted to make use of the lion dance celebrations to hold an exhibition denigrating Falun Gong and put the blame on the overseas Chinese who took part in the event. By doing so, the Embassy could escape punishment for their actions and also attempt to create conflicts between Falun Gong practitioners and overseas Chinese people.
But kind-hearted people can differentiate between right and evil, truth and lies. Many Chinese people saw through the event and even asked us: “the government said that there are 1400 deaths caused by practising Falun Gong, why is it that they only decided this after the persecution began? Up till 1999, Falun Gong had spread for 7 years. Why are there over 100 million people practicing it?” There were others who asked, “The display boards mentioned a self immolation incident and a murder incident [that the Jiang regime claimed] was instigated by Falun Gong. Why is it that these only took place in China when there are more than 40 countries in which people practise Falun Gong, yet such incidents never happen there?” Thinking from within their hearts made them want to understand the truth about Falun Gong and they accepted our Video-CDs. Thus, more and more people have come to understand that “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” is truly good.
Approaching mid-day of February 1 [the day of the Chinese New Year], the sunny sky suddenly turned cloudy and dark, and cold winds arrived with snow that melted one moment and froze the next, thus preventing the tricycle from moving and the lion dance troupe from performing. People could not watch the performance and went to seek shelter from the snowstorm in disappointment. Thus part of the Embassy’s deceitful show could not succeed.
The persecution of Falun Gong has lasted for more than 3 years. Several hundred Dafa practitioners have been tortured to death by the evil Jiang regime for believing in “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance”. Their actions have touched heaven and earth. Dafa practitioners have given up everything in order to wake up the conscience of people and let the truth be known. We hope the Embassy staff can see through the lies and deceit forced on them by the Chinese dictator and stand up for an end to the persecution of innocent Dafa practitioners.
Chinese version available at
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