In proclamations and congratulation letters, government officials highly praised Falun Dafa -- an ancient high-level Chinese qigong cultivation method for achieving both physical and mental self-improvement. It follows the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," safeguards humankind's tradition of honesty, courtesy, commitment and selflessness, helps people to keep fit and purify their minds, upgrade people's moral standard and abandon unhealthy habits.
The City Administrative Department of Las Vegas showed special concern for this celebration. They made an exception and permitted us to rent the City Park, which is normally not rented out, and requested the City Park Administrative Department director to solve any possible problem personally.
On the day of the celebration, the sky was clear and the sunshine was brilliant. Local Dafa practitioners and some practitioners from nearby areas held the first Nevada State Falun Dafa Month in City Park. The practitioners performed Falun Dafa exercises on the lawn and read aloud proclamations and congratulation letters.
It has been five years since Falun Dafa was introduced to Nevada in 1998. Dafa practitioners have persistently promoted Falun Dafa and clarified the truth to local government officials at different levels, residents, tourists, overseas Chinese and Chinese delegation. Practitioners do the exercises every day in the park, making it easier for the people come and learn more about Falun Dafa. The practitioners also make use of various opportunities to introduce Falun Dafa. We held free exercises instruction sessions on multiple occasions in university classes, at a community centre, and in libraries. We received people's warm responses and good comments. Government and local people appreciated very much Falun Gong practitioners' selfless dedication. Falun Gong's exercises drew praise and the attention of the media. Many residents made phone calls and requested exercise instruction sessions.
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