“What you are doing is a great undertaking. The energy from the paintings is very strong, pure and beautiful. This purity will change the world!” a visitor made the above comment at the Art of Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truth-Compassion-Tolerance) International Art Exhibition in Denmark during May 9 and 11.
The practitioners who organized the event joined the Art Nordic exhibitions at Øksnehallen, a major conference centre in Denmark, to celebrate the 15th May 13 World Falun Dafa Day. Art Nordic is the largest art exhibition in the Nordic countries. About 200 artists from 10 countries joined the event this year.
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Mr. Boi Boi Wynsch (left), manager of Art Nordic and Mr. Eddie Aitken, Director of Zhen Shan Ren Arts (UK) |
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Visitors appreciate the paintings at the Zhen Shan Ren Art Exhibition |
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Mr. Eddie Aitken, Director of Zhen Shan Ren Arts (UK), talks to the visitors about a painting |
According to its official website, the Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truth, Compassion, Tolerance) International Exhibition is “an extraordinarily moving, intimate and inspiring exhibition detailing both an inner spiritual life and an outer human rights tragedy. Realistic oil paintings and Chinese water colours from mostly Chinese artists give a unique insight into the spiritual discipline Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa.”
Audience: “We see these paintings and see hope.”
Ms. Henny MC Callum from Loland, Denmark was moved to tears by quite a few paintings. She cried for the orphans of Falun Gong practitioners and saw hope in paintings that depicted the beauty of cultivation. She got an autograph from Professor Zhang Kunlun, founder of the exhibition and former Director of the Institute of Sculpture at the Institute of Art in Shandong.
Mr. Matin Calson asked a lot of questions about Falun Gong and the persecution. He was most moved by “An Orphan's Sorrow” and “Homeless,” “It's so sad to see children suffering from the persecution.”
A Danish couple rediscovered their love of traditional realistic painting upon seeing the Zhen Shan Ren Art Exhibition. “We see these paintings and see hope.”
Stories Behind the Paintings Also Gain Attention
Danish newspapers and TV stations reported on the Zhen Shan Ren Art Exhibition and the stories behind the paintings. Artists such as Professor Zhang Kunlun and Ms. Fan Hong shared the inspiration for their artwork and personal experience in being targeted as part of the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Ms. Fan unveiled the début of her painting “Amazing Fa” in this event. The painting is about the wonderful feeling her 17-year-old daughter gained in doing the Falun Gong exercises.
Ms. Fan was once detained in a mental hospital in China. There, she was force-fed and subjected to other methods of torture. “I am still reluctant to recall the horrible memories there. I was tortured to the point of losing consciousness. Many of my good friends died due to the persecution. I hope to expose the crimes in China with my artwork and hope that we all end the persecution together.”
Mr. Boi Wynsch, manager of Art Nordic, vowed to support practitioners' courage and spirit of justice.
Professor Zhang Kunlun introduced the Exhibition at the opening ceremony: “All art pieces in this Exhibition are created by Falun Gong practitioners. Our teacher Master Li Hongzhi guided us that the Exhibition must display truth, purity, kindness, beauty and brightness.” The Exhibition grows with new items each year, according to Professor Zhang.
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