USA: On a University Campus in North Carolina: Peaceful Falun Dafa Rally Has a Calming Effect on Nearby War Protesters

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Falun Dafa practitioners from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill held a peaceful rally to reveal the truth about China's "Show Trial" of U.S. Citizen Dr. Charles Li. The rally was held on the evening of March 20 2003, which was the same time when China was putting on the show trial. The practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts [thinking pure and upright thoughts to purify oneself and one's surroundings], practised the exercises and sang songs about rescuing Dr. Li.

The war against Iraq started the night before, so there were war protests, both for and against, nearby. Both sides shouted loudly and made a lot of noise. But as the rally was about to end, the people from both protesting groups calmed down. When we sent forth righteous thoughts, some people came to join us and sat with their legs crossed. The protesters stopped yelling and listened to a western practitioner sing a song about rescuing Dr. Charles Li. People also signed names on our petition form.

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