Falun Dafa Associations in Singapore, United States, and Canada Congratulate the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines

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Falun Dafa Association in Singapore Warmly Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines

All Dafa practitioners in Singapore hereby warmly congratulate the establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines!

Overseas Chinese and the Chinese people living in Southeast Asia have the important mission of clarifying the truth and saving all sentient beings. Let's regard the Fa as the Teacher, coordinate with each other and do better.
Falun Dafa Association (Singapore)

February 20, 2003

Falun Dafa Association in Western United States Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines

Falun Dafa Association in Western United States

March 9, 2003

Falun Dafa Association in Washington DC Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines

The Establishment of a Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines creates better conditions for people in the area to understand the truth of the persecution and be saved. We will fulfill the historical responsibilities of Fa-rectification disciples as one body and coordinate with each other.

Falun Dafa Association in Washington DC

March 9, 2003

Canadian Falun Dafa Association Congratulates the Establishment of the Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines

We are glad to hear that a Falun Dafa Association in the Philippines has been officially established. Please accept our most wonderful wishes from all Canadian Dafa practitioners. We hope all the practitioners around the world meld into Dafa and form an indestructible integral body to welcome the arrival of Fa rectification in the human world!

Canadian Falun Dafa Association

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