Han Xizai was a scholar from the South Tang Dynasty. When he was young he was forced to escape to the South when the imperial court sentenced his father to death due to conflicts in official matter. Later, when the Emperor Li Yu learned of Han Xizais talents and knowledge, he wanted Han Xizai to become his prime minister. Han Xizai was not interested in becoming the prime minister, to avoid this he became purposely extravagant in his ways. He said that he did not want to be labelled with a notorious name if he failed to be a good prime minister and lead the nation through difficult times.
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The emperor could not believe Han Xizais behavior and so he sent two painters to visit Han. Entertainment at Han Xizai's records what the painters saw. The painting is composed of five parts. The first portrays the beginning of the banquet where all the guests are listening to the playing of the Pipa. Next comes the dancing. The third shows Han Xizai during a break in the banquet. The fourth shows Han Xizai casually dressed, listening to the playing of the bamboo flutes. The last scene depicts the end of the banquet; Han sits looking towards the horizon. These scenes portray Han Xizai's inner turmoil and conflict.
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