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On March 27th, the organisers placed an advertisement in the newspaper Romania libera. Very soon after the paper came out, at around 10:00 am on March 27th, the organisers received a phone call from a Mr. Chen (or Chan) who introduced himself as a representative of the Chinese Embassy in Bucharest and who told them that the Chinese government does not allow such an activity and told them to cancel the event. The organisers did not cancel the event, considering this threat to be completely illegal.
On March 31, 2003, the day of the exhibition, the following events took place:
- At 11:00 am the organisers were informed that there was a Chinese agent at the Art Galleries of the Teatrul Foarte Mic Theatre (where the exhibition was going to take place later in the day) who was taking pictures of the people who were helping with the event. He left when he was notified that the organisers were 5 minutes away from the Art Galleries.
- At 13:00 we started to put up the paintings in the exhibition halls.
- At 18:30 the Art Gallery started to fill with people.
- At 19:00 three Chinese agents arrived and claimed that the exhibition was illegal. They also claimed that they would call the police (who never showed up) and started to use violence and push around the organisers including an Australian citizen who was videotaping the event. This was noticed by the journalists present and also videotaped. The videotape is available.
- Around 19:15 we were informed that Teatrul Foarte Mic Theatre wanted us to leave, while the 3 exhibit halls were all full with people. The press conference followed as planned. We explained in detail the abuses from Chinese Embassy representatives as well as the peaceful nature of the exhibit towards which such a reaction from the Chinese Embassy is totally unacceptable.
- We were informed by representatives of the Theatre that the executive director, Mr. Florin Calinescu made the decision to have us removed. The only reason given was pressure from higher levels.
- Around 20:30 we started to disassemble the art work. At 21:00 the entire area was emptied.
In order to further clarify these events, give more details with regard to the exhibition as well as the behaviour of the representatives of the Chinese Embassy and the Romanian counterparts we are holding a press conference on April 1st at 13:00 at Strada Londra Nr. 18, Et. 1, Ap. 8 in Bucharest.
We consider it completely unacceptable that the Chinese Embassy is intimidating citizens and guests in Romania with regard to a cultural activity which has taken place in many countries on Europe and the world. For more information on Zhang Cuiying please see http://www.zhangcuiying.org/.
What seems to bother the representatives of the Chinese Embassy is the fact that in the year 2000, Ms. Zhang Cuiying, an Australian Citizen made a legal appeal in China for the release of Falun Gong practitioners who are persecuted and arrested in China and asked the Chinese government to stop the systematic persecution of these peaceful people. As a result, Ms. Zhang was arrested and put into a labour camp for 8 months where she was subjected to beatings and torture at the hands of Chinese guards. Ms Zhang was released after 8 months as a result of international pressure.
For more information please contact:
(Romanian and English) Adrian Sturdza,Dana Betlevy +40- 0723.177.026 or +41-21-326.55.02;
(German and Romanian): Mircea Arthofer email [email protected], +43 650 48 28 341;
(English and Romanian): Steve Ispas +1 408 489 5752
Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa (about), is a practise of meditation and exercises with teachings based on the universal principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. It is a practise that was taught in private for thousands of years before being made public in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi. Falun Gong has roots in traditional Chinese culture, but it is distinct and separate from other practises such as the religions of Buddhism and Taoism. Since its introduction in 1992, it quickly spread by word of mouth throughout China, and is now practised in over 50 countries.
With government estimates of as many as 100 million practicing Falun Gong, Chinas President Jiang Zemin outlawed the peaceful practise in July 1999 (report), fearful of anything touching the hearts and minds of more citizens than the Communist Party. Unable to crush the spirit of millions who had experienced improved health and positive life changes from Falun Gong, Jiangs regime has intensified its propaganda campaign to turn public opinion against the practise while quietly imprisoning, torturing and even murdering those who practise it.
The European Falun Gong Information Centre has verified details of 641 deaths (reports / sources) since the persecution of Falun Gong in China began in 1999. Government officials inside China, however, report that the actual death toll is well over 1,600, while expert sources estimate that figure to be much higher. Hundreds of thousands have been detained, with more than 100,000 being sentenced to forced labour camps, typically without trial.
Peter Jauhal 44 (0) 7739 172 452. Nicolas Schols 32 (0) 479875734
More contacts. http://www.falungonginfo.net/europe.htm
Email: [email protected]
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