Regardless of whether it was windy, rainy, hot or cold, retired practitioners went to downtown Hiroshima almost every day to explain the facts of Falun Gong to the Japanese people and to collect petition signatures. On Saturdays and Sundays, those practitioners who worked during weekdays and the little practitioners joined the team. They held banners which read "Appeal from Sado: Rescue Yoko Kaneko! -- Hamachi Cho Support Committee" and they held Yoko's photo in front of their chest. They described Yoko's suffering to pedestrians and many local residents signed without hesitation and asked, "Why is she tortured so brutally for just distributing flyers?" They also encouraged the practitioners, "Please continue your efforts to help her return home early!" Among the passers by, there were some kind-hearted people who wanted to donate money to express their sincere attention to the matter. Practitioners declined and explained that Falun Gong does not accept any donations and everyone is a volunteer.
One day, we were collecting signatures in one place where a candidate of the Democratic Party delivered a speech. After the speeches of four congress representatives, the audience came over. We handed over related literature to the 4 congress members and requested the members to offer their help to rescue Yoko Kaneko. The congress members said, "We have heard of the matter from the association of Congress Members to Rescue Yoko Kaneko'. We will read the literature in detail after we return home. Please keep up the good work!"

Two infant practitioners participated in the signature-collection activity with their parents on weekends and holidays. In the hot summer, passers by saw their tireless and innocent look and stopped to listen to them and sign their petitions.
Whenver there was a festival or celebration in Hiroshima and the surrounding areas, we took the opportunity to hold a rescue activity. Generally, one day before the festivals we distributed newspapers to each family in the area. On the festival day, visitors said on seeing our posters, "Oh, this is the poster we saw yesterday. The persecution is so cruel." Thus, many visitors came over to sign our petition.
In addition to signature collecting on the streets, we also sent literature to the county assembly and media officials of Hiroshima County and the surrounding counties. Many of them signed and returned the letters immediately.
Recently, Canadian Dafa practitioner Lin Shenli came to Japan to help rescue Yoko. We accompanied him and visited Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu. We mailed an appeal letter to the county governor beforehand and handed over our letter to the assembly speaker during this trip. We also held a press conference at each place. Officials and reporters listened to Mr. Lin's description of how he was brutally tortured in China. Those reporters who heard about the torture for the first time paid special attention to the matter and interviewed Mr. Lin.
In addition, university student practitioners explained the facts of the persecution of Yoko to university professors and also collected signatures. The professors signed right away and one of them made 100 copies of the signature collection form and sent it to his friends. Thus, through this professor, his friends working in media and government positions sent signed signature forms to us. These actions showed their attention to the matter and their righteous attitude. All these activities got the attention of Japanese people focused on the important matter of rescuing Yoko.
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