PO Box 365326, Hyde Park, MA 02136
Tel. (781) 710-4515 Fax. (617) 325-8729 [email protected]
The World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong ("WOIPFG") has verified that Yuan Jiang, a twenty-nine-year-old chief technology inspector, died as a result of persecution. Through our investigation and gathering of evidence from individuals and work units directly involved in Yuans death case, WOIPFG has obtained basic factual information concerning the individuals and work units directly responsible for his death.
WOIPFGs spokesperson said: "The investigation into Yuan Jiangs case opened at the beginning of this year. Over the last several months, we have obtained sufficient evidence to indicate that Yuan Jiang, a graduate of Qinghua University, was persecuted to death on November 9 2001. At the time of death, his body was severely injured. This case fully reveals the brutality and bloodshed of dictator Jiang Zemin and his followers persecution against Falun Gong. Furthermore, it has strengthened our organisation's resolve to bring our investigation to full closure. WOIPFG will submit the name list and the criminal evidence it has tracked down to international criminal and legal institutions."
WOIPFG has investigated and obtained evidence from over ten involved individuals at the Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau, the First Department of Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau, Gansu Public Security Department, Gansu Justice Department, Lanzhou Telecommunications Industries, and Lanzhou Telecommunications Administration Bureau, etc. Our investigation has verified that Yuan Jiang, male, graduated from Qinghua University in July 1995; was employed as a chief technology inspector at Feitian Wangjing Company, a subsidiary of Lanzhou Telecommunications Industries (Record No. YJ_17); and at his workplace was an able professional and was in excellent health. He had been volunteer director of the Gansu Falun Dafa Assistance Centre since 1995. He was arrested in the vicinity of Dunhuang, Gansu province, on August 30, 2001, and was later transferred to the Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau (Informant A, Record No. YJ_02). The First Department of Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau was directly involved in this death case. (Informant G, Record No.s YJ_05 & YJ_20.) Yuan Jiang was illegally detained at the Green Base facility of the Gansu Post and Telecommunications Administration Bureau situated behind Baita Mountain in Lanzhou City. This Green Base is not a law enforcement facility, yet it was used to illegally detain Yuan Jiang. The work units that participated in detaining Yuan Jiang at Green Base included at least, but not limited to, the First Department of Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau (Informants F and E, Record No. YJ_22). Other work units directly involved included the Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau and Gansu Public Security Department.
Informant E has claimed direct involvement in this case at Green Base where he/she was with Yuan Jiang throughout his detainment.
On October 26 2001, Yuan Jiang escaped from Green Base to the home of a local Falun Gong practitioner. He died from his severe injuries on November 9 2001. After Yuans death, several police officers searched the local practitioners home and participated in arranging the handling of Yuans body. The work units involved included, but not limited to, the First Department of Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau (Informant J, Record No. YJ_01). Other work units directly involved included the Lanzhou City Public Security Bureau and the Gansu Public Security Department.
The above investigative records are being archived and managed by WOIPFG. Since this case touches upon criminal responsibilities in which human life is involved, WOIPFG will, for the time being, not make the name list of criminals known to the public.
Informants who assisted and cooperated with WOIPFG during its investigation will be rewarded or treated with leniency.
For more information, please contact Mr. John Jaw at: 781-710-4515.
E-mail: [email protected]
P.O. Box 365326, Hyde Park, MA 02136, USA
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